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A medium-sized (Males 27-39 mm, females 40-46 mm) arboreal Leptopelis from tropical deciduous forest in south-western Ethiopia (1500-2200 m). Toes, underside of limbs, tongue and lips translucent blue-green. Males with pectoral glands.Colour in life. - Dorsum grey to brown, with darker markings sometimes barely discernible. The pattern consists of a broad interorbital bar, a series of blotches in the shoulder region usually forming a dark triangle with the apex pointing forward, and irregular blotches in the sacral region. Often irregularly scattered white spots on both back and limbs.This species is morphologically very close to L. ragazzii; the best distinguishing character seems to be the blue-green ventral colours in vannutellii and the different habitat.Voice. - The voice is very similar to, or identical with, that of L. ragazzii.This account was taken from "Treefrogs of Africa" by Arne Schiøtz with kind permission from Edition Chimaira (http://www.chimaira.de/) publishers, Frankfurt am Main.
Arne Schiøtz
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