Description:{font-variant:small-caps}Fig. 144.—Head of Wart Hog. Date: 1902. Source: The Cambridge Natural History, Volume X—Mammalia. Author: Frank E. Beddard.
Description: English: Middle portion of the 'Botswana' diorama, located in a Third-Level Wildlife Hall at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, showcasing Cape Warthogs, Sable Antelope, and a Steenbok. Date: 29 July 2017, 15:41:06. Source: Own work. Author: Avrand6.
Description: English: Warthog taxidermy in the Large Mammals Hall of the Natural History Museum in London. Date: 30 June 2016, 04:52:02. Source: Own work. Author: Lusanaherandraton.