Fucus (Rockweed).
Donax trunculus (Linnaeus).
Lepomis megalotis (Rafinesque). Large-eared sunfish. Red-bellied perch (Ga.).
Black-Mouthed Dogfish. Eyed Dogfish; Scyllium melanostomum
Kingfisher (Ceryle alcyon Boie).
Gammarus locusta. Near Woods Hole.
Head of Chondrostoma knerii (Heckel), seen from Below.
Delesseria alata.
Terpsinoe americana by Henri CoupinFrom: Album général des diatomées marines, d'eau douce ou fossiles : album représentant tous les genres de diatomées et leurs principales espèces / par Henri Coupin (b. 1868).Plate 313: frustrules (600x magnification). sea water
Fucus Vesiculeux recouvrant un rocher.
Therapon interruptus. Macleay
Long-Eared Sunfish, Lepomis megalotis (Rafinesque). (From Clear Creek, Bloomington, Indiana) Family Centrarchidae.
Anisotremus surinamensis (Bloch). Pompom.
Chanos chanos (Forskai).
Gammarus locusta, the scud.
Male horned dace picking up a stone. His lips are grasping it.
Hybopsis kentuckiensis. Hornyhead.
Terpsinoe americana by Lisa M. Weimer (USGS)Found in Chesapeake Bay Diatoms by Lisa M. Weimer, an online USGS publication located at http://pubs.usgs.gov/pdf/of/of99-45/diatom.pdfPlate 2Terpsinoe americana (Bail.) Rolfs, PTMC 3-P-2 422-424 cm., x 2000.
Drift of Fucus and Other Algae. [This resembles at first glance bed of growing kelp.]
Ptilota denosa.
Long-eared Sunfish, Lepomis megalotis (Rafinesque). From Clear Creek, Bloomington, Indiana. Family Centrarchidae.
Four examples of Limmnaea peregra Mull., from salt marshes near the Sea of Aral, showing different effects produced by abnormal conditions of life.