Stephanopogon (steff-anne-owe-poe-gone) is a marine genus of uncertain affinities and include a small handful of species. Cells are dorso-ventrally flattened, with a wide anterior mouth which may or may not have some barbs. This is one of the species with barbs. It moves by using flagella which are laid out in longitudinal rows. For a long time considered to be a primitive ciliate (distinguished from real ciliates because it does not have macronuclei and micronuclei), but ciliate affinities have subsequently been rejected. Eats diatoms and detritus. Phase contrast.
Stephanopogon (steff-anne-owe-poe-gone) is a marine genus of uncertain affinities and include a small handful of species. Cells are dorso-ventrally flattened, with a wide anterior mouth which may or may not have some barbs. This is one of the species with barbs. It moves by using flagella which are laid out in longitudinal rows. For a long time considered to be a primitive ciliate (distinguished from real ciliates because it does not have macronuclei and micronuclei), but ciliate affinities have subsequently been rejected. Eats diatoms and detritus. Phase contrast.
Stephanopogon (steff-ann-owe-poe-gone) colpoda Entz, 1884. Cells are about 16 - 30 microns long and dorso-ventrally flattened with several rows of kineties. The ventral surface terminates anteriorly as three barbs. The cells move by crawling or swimming with flagella. Rarely observed.
Stephanopogon colpoda Entz, 1884. Cells are about 16 - 30 microns long and dorso-ventrally flattened with several rows of kineties. The ventral surface terminates anteriorly as three barbs. The cells move by crawling or swimming with flagella. Rarely observed.
Portrait of Stephanopogon colpoda (G. Entz sen., 1884).Collected from a commercial saltwater aquarium in Boise, Idaho.October 2005.Phase contrast.
Portrait of Stephanopogon colpoda (G. Entzsen., 1884).Collected from a commercial saltwater aquarium in Boise, Idaho.October 2005.DIC.
Stephanopogon minuta Lei et al., 1999. Cells are 32-35 x 18-20 microns, dorsovenrally strongly compressed, three digitations at the anterior end, ventral kinetics about 7-8, dorsal kinetics constantly 3, 2 spherical nuclei.