Dorsal infraciliature of the nassulid ciliate Colpodidium caudatum (WILBERT,1982). Collected from an organically enriched temporary freshwater puddle in Boise, Idaho (43° 36â 49.03â N 116° 13â 23.77âW elev. 2674 ft.), pH 9.35; water temperature 31.1 C. July 2006. Stained by the silver carbonate technique (see Foissner, W. Europ. J. Protistol., 27:313-330;1991). Brightfield.
Ventral infraciliature of the nassulid ciliate Colpodidium caudatum (WILBERT,1982).Collected from an organically enriched temporary freshwater puddle in Boise, Idaho (43° 36â 49.03â N 116° 13â 23.77âW elev. 2674 ft.). July 2006. Stained by the silver carbonate technique (see Foissner, W. Europ. J. Protistol., 27:313-330;1991). Brightfield.
Ventral infraciliature of the nassulid ciliate Colpodidium caudatum (WILBERT,1982).This specimen, fixed in ethanol, better represents the cell shape as seen in vivo. Formalin fixation in the silver carbonate technique results in a slightly swollen,ovoid cell shape.Collected from a non-flooded Petri dish culture of soil from an intermittently flooded park lawn in Boise, Idaho (43° 36â 49.03â N 116° 13â 23.77âW elev. 2674 ft.), Collected 1/07 and rewtted 1/25/08. Protargol A protocol (see Foissner, W. Europ. J. Protistol., 27:313-330;1991). Brightfield.
Microthorax (mike-row-though-racks), small ciliate, stiff body, sparsely ciliates, with cytostome (posterior right) located in rear part of the cell Phase contrast.
Microthorax - a ciliate. With a mouth structure that is supported internally by stiff rods, consumes detritus and bacteria which are manipulated into the mouth by the rods From Lake Donghu, China. Differential interference contrast micrograph.
Portrait of Microthorax tridentatus (Penard,1922), a small nassophorean ciliate. The body is strongly dorsoventrally flattened. The right side is gently rounded and the left is straight. The body has delicately ridged armor, which bears three short posterior spines in this species. The cytostome is in a notch in the left posterior body (seen here). The spheroid macronucleus is central. One or two contractile vacuoles are usually adjacent to the oral aperture. Collected from a slow moving organically enriched freshwater stream near Boise, Idaho. DIC optics.
Portrait of Microthorax tridentatus (Penard,1922), a small nassophorean ciliate. The body is strongly dorsoventrally flattened. The right side is gently rounded and the left is straight. The body has delicately ridged armor, which bears three short posterior spines in this species. The cytostome is in a notch in the left posterior body. The spheroid macronucleus is central. One or two contractile vacuoles are usually adjacent to the oral aperture. Collected from a slow moving organically enriched freshwater stream near Boise, Idaho. DIC optics.
Portrait of Microthorax viridis (Penard,1922), a small nassophorean ciliate. The body is strongly dorsoventrally flattened. The right side is gently rounded and the left is straight. This genus has delicately ridged armor. The cytostome is in a notch in the left posterior body (seen here). The spheroid macronucleus is central. One or two contractile vacuoles are usually adjacent to the oral aperture. M. viridis has endosymbiotic algae (probably Chlorella). Collected from a eutrophic freshwater dredge pit near Idaho City, Idaho September 2003. DIC optics.
Infraciliature (right side) of Microthorax viridis (Penard,1922), a small nassophorean ciliate. The body is strongly dorsoventrally flattened. The right side is gently rounded and the left is straight. Somatic ciliature is reduced to three interrupted kineties on the right side. There is a short undulating membrane on the right margin of the cytostome and a small adoral membranelle in the depths of the oral depression. There are a few small clusters of preoral cilia on the left side anteriorly. This genus has delicately ridged armor. The cytostome is in a notch in the left posterior body (seen here). The spheroid macronucleus is central. One or two contractile vacuoles are usually adjacent to the oral aperture. M. viridis has endosymbiotic algae (probably Chlorella). Stained by the dry silver nitrate technic (see Foissner, W.Europ. J. Protistol.27,313-330;1991). Collected from a eutrophic freshwater dredge pit near Idaho City, Idaho September 2003.Brightfield.
Drepanomonas (dree-pan-owe-moan-ass) is an odontostome ciliate. This is a small group of small flattened and sparsely ciliated ciliates which are most usually found in anoxic habitats. Kineties are associated with the surface ridges, contractile vacuole near the middle of the cell. Differential interference contrast with closed condenser iris.
Drepanomonas revoluta PENARD, 1922. The deep furrow of the left side is visible throught the transparent pellicle in this optical section. DIC.
Drepanomonas revoluta PENARD,1922.DIC
Drepanomonas revoluta PENARD,1922. Phase contrast.
Drepanomonas revoluta PENARD,1922.DIC.
Drepanomonas revoluta PENARD,1922.DIC.