Specimen from Jellyfish Lake on the island of Palau. Image by Beatriz Beker of the University of Brest.
Specimen from Scripps Canyon area (Southern California) in July 2009.
Drawing from Kofoid's 1905 original description as Tintinnus serratus
The drawing from Ostenfeld 1899 (Fig. 2f) with dimensions added as given in the text (pg 439).
Specimen from the NW Mediterranean Sea
From Kofoid and Campbell (1929) page 330. Orginally described as Tintinnus turgenscens.
Odontophorella serrulata from 250 m depth near Villefranche-sur-Mer on Feb 12 2019. The form lacks the crenulation of the oral margin but shows the serrations on the fins.
From Jorgensen (1924) originally described as Amphorella intumescens. Found as 2 lorica in deep water stations off Libya and Egypt. Transfered to new genus Steenstrupiella in Kofoid & Campbell 1929.
From the near the Bay of Villefranche (N.W. Medit. Sea) from a sample taken at 250 m depth on Jan. 16 2017.
Specimen from Station 32 of the Tara Oceans Expedition
Favella azorica was originally described by Cleve (1889) as Undella azorica.
Lugols's-fixed specimen
Specimen from the Eastern Tropical Pacific collected during the Biosope cruise in 2002. The empty lorica in the lower right corner is from Codonellopsis pusilla.
Xystonellopsis heros was originally described by Cleve (1899) as Undella hero
Xystonellopsis paradoxa was originally described by Cleve (1899) as Undella paradoxa
From a sample taken about 1 km offshore from the Cap de Nice (France) at 250 m depth on March 13th, 2023.
Live specimen from the Bay of Villefranche (NW Mediterranean Sea)
Lugol's-fixed specimen
Figure from Jorgensen 1924 (Fig. 25) of Amphorella urceolata designated as Craterella acuta by Kofoid & Campbell 1929. Later the genus Craterella was re-named Ascampbellliella as the name Craterella was occupied previously. Dimensions from the text of Jorgensen (1924).