A nice 3 foot Rattler in the Wasatch. He was a pleasant snake,didn't even strike at me,just kindly rattled at me from the side of the trail to let me know he was there and didn't want to get stepped on. Can't blame him for that,and I really didn't want to step on him either,especially since I was wearing sandals.
A nice 3 foot Rattler in the Wasatch. He was a pleasant snake,didn't even strike at me,just kindly rattled at me from the side of the trail to let me know he was there and didn't want to get stepped on. Can't blame him for that,and I really didn't want to step on him either,especially since I was wearing sandals.
Coronado Island Rattlesnake
Northern Pacific Rattlesnake
Northern Pacific Rattlesnake
Northern Pacific Rattlesnake
Male-male combat ritual between two Crotalus oreganus. Seen March, 2009 in Tecolote Canyon, San Diego, CA USA. Viewed with Trajan and Evan Vavra.
Oh my,what a pretty tongue you have! So here is the real question: Is your snake awake?
Adult from northern California.
Arizona, United States
A Southern Pacific Rattlesnake (Crotalus oreganus helleri) from the hills south of Loma Linda California.
Southern Pacific Rattlesnake
Southern Pacific Rattlesnake
Southern Pacific Rattlesnake
Southern Pacific Rattlesnake