Detail of longitudinal and transverse costae of the lorica of Stephanoeca complexa (Norris,1965) Throndsen, 1974. Collected from tide pools at Alkai Beach,Seattle, Washington 47°35'41.87" N;122° 23'17.57" W.January 2006.DIC.
Detail of longitudinal and transverse costae of the lorica of Stephanoeca complexa (Norris,1965) Throndsen, 1974. Collected from tide pools at Alkai Beach,Seattle, Washington 47°35'41.87" N;122° 23'17.57" W.January 2006.DIC.
Stephanoeca complexa (Norris,1965) Throndsen, 1974. Collected from tide pools at Alkai Beach,Seattle, Washington 47?35'41.87" N;122? 23'17.57" W.January 2006.DIC.
Stephanoeca complexa (Norris,1965) Throndsen, 1974. Collected from tide pools at Alkai Beach,Seattle, Washington 47?35'41.87" N;122? 23'17.57" W.January 2006.Phase contrast.
Stephanoeca complexa (Norris,1965) Throndsen, 1974. Collected from tide pools at Alkai Beach,Seattle, Washington 47?35'41.87" N;122? 23'17.57" W.January 2006.Phase contrast.
Stephanoeca complexa (Norris,1965) Throndsen, 1974. Collected from tide pools at Alkai Beach,Seattle, Washington 47?35'41.87" N;122? 23'17.57" W.January 2006.Phase contrast.
Stephanoeca constricta Ellis, 1930. Total length of lorica is 12 microns, upper portion, 7 microns and lower, 5 microns Dimension of the lorica mouth is 4 microns Length of the cell is 4 microns
Diaphanoeca fiordensis (Scagel and Stein, 1961) Norris, 1965. Choanoflagellates with a hyaline ribbed lorica, said by some to have a faintly pigmented pale green portion ovoid, 5 microns wide by 8 microns long, single flagellum 15-17 microns long. Enclosed in transparent, slightly flattened, basket-like lorica 16 microns wide by 24 microns long (including spines), lorica invaginated where flagellum emerges, tapering to a point opposite closed end. The lorica usually ornamented with three peripheral ridges transverse to longitudinal axis, and 10 emergent longitudinal ridges that merge at closed end but extend freely a distance of 10 microns to form a fringe of spines beyond open end.
Acanthocorbis nana Thomsen et al, 1997. Cells solitary, attached to the substratum by means of single costal strips projecting from the posterior lorica end. Lorica funnel shaped, about 10 x 5 microns, and with anterior long spines (10-14) that continue downwards as longitudinal costae. Numerous, obliquely oriented transverse costal strips (>20) encircle the lorica at the level of or just below the joins between the anterior most longitudinal costal strips. The posterior part of the lorica encompasses numerous transverse costal strips that do not form distinct costae. Costal strips are rod-shaped, and 3-4 microns long. The cell body, about 4.5x3.5 microns, is posteriorly located within the lorica. The single flagellum is about 5 microns long, surrounded by a ring of tentacles (each about 2microns long), and with a conspicuous hairpoint. Division tectiform.