Description: Kudzu King and Queen, Lineville, Alabama High School pre 1945. Date: before 1945. Source: Windfield Photographic Collection, POB 340 Stn. B London Ontario Canada N6A 4W1. Author: Claxton Ray. Permission (Reusing this file): Own PD.
Description: Pueraria_lobata; taken by Miya in Kawanishi-city, Hyogo, Japan. Date: 8 September 2005. Source: Own work. Author: Miya. Permission(Reusing this file): GFDL, cc-by-sa-2.1-jp.
Description: English: I watched what a lot of dew got on on the leaf of the kudzu of the Japanese mountain. (English name:Kudzu(Pueraria lobata Lour.) : Kingdom:Plantae Phylum:Magnoliophyta Class:Magnoliopsida Order:Fabales Family:Fabaceae Genus:Pueraria) 日本語: 日本の山の葛の葉の上に、たくさんの露がのっていたのを見た。(クズ 葛は、植物界 被子植物門 双子葉植物綱 マメ目 マメ科 クズ属). Date: 16 July 2007. Source: Own work. Author: Yamato. Other versions: Leaf_of_Kudzu55.jpeg.
Description: English: I watched what a lot of dew got on on the leaf of the kudzu of the Japanese mountain. (English name:Kudzu(Pueraria lobata Lour.) : Kingdom:Plantae Phylum:Magnoliophyta Class:Magnoliopsida Order:Fabales Family:Fabaceae Genus:Pueraria) 日本語: 日本の山の葛の葉の上に、たくさんの露がのっていたのを見た。(クズ 葛は、植物界 被子植物門 双子葉植物綱 マメ目 マメ科 クズ属). Date: 16 July 2007. Source: Own work. Author: Yamato. Other versions: Leaf_of_Kudzu56.jpeg.