Fy; AsclepiadaceaeOrder: GentianalesSeries: BicarpellataeSub class: GamopetalaeClass: DicotyledonsDistribution: t is common on hedges and bushes in jungles of AsiaIt is a woody twiner. with watery sap.Perennial, Leaves in opposite decussate phyllotaxy.Leaves ovate and cordate at the base. Flowers pale green in dense drooping axillary umbels. Corolla lobes overlapping to the right in the bud.corona -processes5, hard, adnate at the base to the staminal column, staminal column arising from the base of the corolla tube, pollen masses erect. Follicles brown woody, blunt at the apex, 10 cm long.Tender twigs are emetic. The plant also contains some anti cancer principles. See the beautiful green bloom.
A species of the Amazon Basin, known as Papa de Sapo (frog potato). Photo from the Colombian Amazon. Apocyanaceae. In context at www.dixpix.ca/Amazon/flora/mixed/index.html