Mushroom Observer Image 137160: Stropharia ambigua (Peck) Zeller
Mushroom Observer Image 493465: Stropharia caerulea Kreisel
Slo.: modrikasta strninica - syn.: Stropharia cyanea (Bolt. Secr.) - Habitat: on northeast side of a cottage, 2.5 m away of the woodshed, ruderal calcareous ground with organic debris mainly wood chips, shallow skeletal soil sparsely covered by vegetation, Utrica dioica dominant, flat terrain, mostly in shade, exposed to direct rain, average precipitations ~ 3.000 mm/year, average temperature 7-9 deg C, elevation 600 m (1.970 feet), alpine phytogeographical region. - Substratum: soil with a lot of organic debris. - Comments: Growing in a group of three fruit bodies, pilei very slimy, diameter 4 - 6 cm, the largest 1.5 cm thick; stipe dry, 3.5 - 5 cm tall, diameter 1.4 - 1.7 cm; taste mild, pleasant, smell pleasant, mushroomy; trama of marble blue-white color; mycelium abundant, beige, root-like apparently interwoven with roots of a large Utrica dioica; SP abundant brown, oac638. - Spores smooth. Dimensions: 7,5 [8,3 ; 8,6] 9,5 x 4,5 [4,9 ; 5,1] 5,5 microns; Q = 1,5 [1,7] 1,9; N = 36; C = 95%; Me = 8,5 x 5 microns; Qe = 1,7. Olympus CH20, NEA 100x/1.25, magnification 1.000 x, oil, in water, live material. AmScope MA500 digital camera. - Herbarium: Mycotheca and lichen herbarium (LJU-Li) of Slovenian Forestry Institute, Vena pot 2, Ljubljana, Index Herbariorum LJF - Ref.: (1) J. reitenbach, F. Kraenzlin, Eds., Fungi of Switzerland, Vol.4. Verlag Mykologia (2000), p 352. (2) S. Buczacki, Collins Fungi Guide, Collins (2012), p 110. 5 (3) R. Phillips, Mushrooms, Macmillan (2006), p 248. (4) G.J. Krieglsteiner (Hrsg.), Die Grosspilze Baden-Wrttembergs, Band 4., Ulmer (2001), p 409. (5) R. Lueder, Grundkurs Pilzbestimmung, Quelle & Meyer (2008), p 275. (6) M. Bon, Parey's Buch der Pilze, Kosmos (2005), p 250.
Staun, Sebber, Vesthimmerland, Danmark
Mushroom Observer Image 631728: Stropharia hardii G.F. Atk.
Mushroom Observer Image 294905: Stropharia rugosoannulata Farl. ex Murrill
Mushroom Observer Image 795665: Stropharia rugosoannulata Farl. ex Murrill
Mushroom Observer Image 137161: Stropharia ambigua (Peck) Zeller
Mushroom Observer Image 493467: Stropharia caerulea Kreisel
Slo.: orjaka strninica - Habitat: Among tall herbs and grass, near wood-side, semi-ruderal ground, old calcareous river deposits, flat terrain; partly sunny, exposed to direct rain, average precipitations ~ 3.000 mm/year, average temperature 8-10 deg C, elevations 420 m (1.400 feet), alpine phytogeographical region. - Substratum: soil, possibly decomposed tree and other litter. - Comments: Considered as rare, but some authors (if not most of) consider this species as a 'white' form of Stropharia rugosoannulata. Growing solitary or two/three fruitbodies together; several fruitbodies found at a distance of 100m (300 feet). Taste and smell indistinctive 'mushroomy'. Spore print almost black with violet tint. Base of stalk with white mycelium threads. Moderately viscid cap when wet. Pileus diameter of the largest fruit body about 20 cm (7,8 inch) and weight 380 g. Spore dimensions (the largest fruitbody): 11 (SD = 0.7) x 7.2 (SD = 0.5) micr., Q = 1.5 (SD = 0.12), n=30; spores thick-walled, with a germ pore. Motic B2-211A, magnification 1.000 x, oil, in water. - Ref.: (1) Personal communication with Mr. Bojan Rot. (2) http://pagesperso-orange.fr/samnel.museum/PDF/Bulletin18/Stropharia_eximia_C_Divet_001.pdf . (3) http://gobenabovskem.si/index.php?uredi=uzitne&goba=357&list=357&slika=slika1&slika=slika2&slika=slika1#357 . (4) http://www.mycodb.fr/photo.php?file=Stropharia_eximia_1987_ap_1.jpg&filter= (5) A.Poler, ed., Seznam gliv Slovenije (in Slovene), 2nd Ed., Assoc. of Mycol. Soc. of Slovenia (1998), p 71. (6) http://www.pilzlexikon.eu/rotbrauner-riesen-traeuschling.html. (7) R.M. Daehncke, 1200 Pilze in Farbfotos, AT Verlag (2009), p 600.
Hjerritsdal mølle, Hobro, Danmark
Mushroom Observer Image 956522: Stropharia hardii G.F. Atk.
Mushroom Observer Image 315421: Stropharia rugosoannulata Farl. ex Murrill
Mushroom Observer Image 85197: Stropharia rugosoannulata Farl. ex Murrill
Mushroom Observer Image 139701: Stropharia ambigua (Peck) Zeller
Mushroom Observer Image 653141: Stropharia caerulea Kreisel
Skjoldenæsholm, Midtsjælland
Mushroom Observer Image 643830: Stropharia kauffmanii A.H. Sm.
Mushroom Observer Image 315422: Stropharia rugosoannulata Farl. ex Murrill
Mushroom Observer Image 85198: Stropharia rugosoannulata Farl. ex Murrill
Mushroom Observer Image 139702: Stropharia ambigua (Peck) Zeller
Mushroom Observer Image 653142: Stropharia caerulea Kreisel
Skjoldenæsholm, Midtsjælland