The animal is so flaccid that if its body is held long in the air, rays will break off and fall, as has happened to this specimen just above my hand. Photo by Dave Cowles, July 1997
Besides the large spines and pedicellariae on the aboral side, this seastar has long tube feet on the oral side. Note that this individual has been recently feeding, as indicated by the partly everted stomach. Photo by Dave Cowles at San Simeon, CA, April 1997 This seastar can move extremely rapidly for a seastar. Its presence elicits an escape reaction from many species such as the spiny scallop Chlamys hastata (click here for an .MPG movie), the sea cucumber Parastichopus californicus, and limpets. This movie shows how fast the animal is able to move its long tube feet.
June 2005: Brought in an individual from outer Rosario Bay that was 76 cm in diameter. Held by Dave Cowles and Greg Ryals.
This species is usually found subtidally but can sometimes be found in the very low intertidal or in cave tidepools, as this one was. Note the purple color.
This tiny individual was in the intertidal at Cape Flattery, WA. Photo by Dave Cowles, July 2010.
Pycnopodia helianthoides captured subtidally from Sares Head. (Photo by: Dave Cowles, July 2000)
Common starfish; zeester.
Myxoderma longispinum (syntype from synonym Zoroaster longispinus), oral viewMyxoderma longispinum (syntype from synonym USNM 34384), collected from East of the Galapagos Islands (0 36 00S, 86 46 00W), Ecuador, South Pacific Ocean, by the R. V. Albatross from a depth of 2418 m.
Myxoderma longispinum (syntype from synonym Zoroaster longispinus), aboral viewMyxoderma longispinum (syntype from synonym USNM 34384), collected from East of the Galapagos Islands (0 36 00S, 86 46 00W), Ecuador, South Pacific Ocean, by the R. V. Albatross from a depth of 2418 m.
Heliaster microbrachius, oral viewHeliaster microbrachius (USNM E 10260), collected from Salina Cruz, Oaxaca, Mexico, Gulf of Tehuantepec, North Pacific Ocean.
Heliaster microbrachius, aboral viewHeliaster microbrachius (USNM E 10260), collected from Salina Cruz, Oaxaca, Mexico, Gulf of Tehuantepec, North Pacific Ocean.
Sclerasterias alexandri (syntype of synonym Hydrasteria diomedeae), oral viewSclerasteria alexandri (syntype USNM 34363 of synonym Hydrasteria diomedeae), collected off Cocos Island (5 32 45N, 08654 30W), Costa Rica, eastern Pacific, by the R. V. Albatross, from a depth of 121 m.
Sclerasterias alexandri (syntype of synonym Hydrasteria diomedeae), aboral viewSclerasteria alexandri (syntype USNM 34363 of synonym Hydrasteria diomedeae), collected off Cocos Island (5 32 45N, 08654 30W), Costa Rica, eastern Pacific, by the R. V. Albatross, from a depth of 121 m.
Pisaster ochraceus, oral viewPisaster ochraceus (USNM E45306), collected from Taboga Island, Panama Bay, Gulf of Panama, eastern Pacific, North Pacific Ocean.
Pisaster ochraceus, aboral viewPisaster ochraceus (USNM E45306), collected from Taboga Island, Panama Bay, Gulf of Panama, eastern Pacific, North Pacific Ocean.