This image was created by user Ron Pastorino (Ronpast) at Mushroom Observer, a source for mycological images.You can contact this user here. English | español | français | italiano | македонски | português | +/−
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Description: Suomi: Korvasieniä myynnissä helsinkiläisen tavaratalon ruokaosastolla. Suomen laki sallii korvasienten myynnin tuoreena, kunhan niiden myrkyllisyydestä varoitetaan selkeästi ja niiden mukana on lainmukainen valmistusohje. (Oheinen lappu roikkui kaupassa sienten yläpuolella, siirsin sen henkilökunnan luvalla sienten viereen saadakseni molemmat kuvaan.) English: False morel fungi (Gyromitra esculenta) for sale at a department store in Helsinki. Though deadly poisonous unless properly parboiled, these mushrooms are considered a local delicacy, and Finnish law permits their sale fresh as long they are accompanied by conspicuous warnings and government-approved preparation instructions. (The mandatory warning label was originally hanging above the mushrooms; I moved it, with the permission of the staff, down to get both into the same picture.). Date: 4 June 2008. Source: Own work. Author: Ilmari Karonen. Other versions: .
Description: WARNING: Mortal poisonous mushrooms. Vegetate in mixed forests in the period from mid March to mid May. Its appearance resembles the human brain matter. Date: 19 February 2009, 06:35. Source: GYROMITRA ESCULENTA (Krombh.) Cooke. Author: GLJIVARSKO DRUSTVO NIS from Serbia.
Description: Suomi: Korvasieniä myynnissä helsinkiläisen tavaratalon ruokaosastolla. Suomen laki sallii korvasienten myynnin tuoreena, kunhan niiden myrkyllisyydestä varoitetaan selkeästi ja niiden mukana on lainmukainen valmistusohje. (Oheinen lappu roikkui kaupassa sienten yläpuolella, siirsin sen henkilökunnan luvalla sienten viereen saadakseni molemmat kuvaan.) English: False morel fungi (Gyromitra esculenta) for sale at a department store in Helsinki. Though deadly poisonous unless properly parboiled, these mushrooms are considered a local delicacy, and Finnish law permits their sale fresh as long they are accompanied by conspicuous warnings and government-approved preparation instructions. (The mandatory warning label was originally hanging above the mushrooms; I moved it, with the permission of the staff, down to get both into the same picture.). Date: 4 June 2008. Source: Own work. Author: Ilmari Karonen. Other versions: .
Description: WARNING: Mortal poisonous mushrooms. Vegetate in mixed forests in the period from mid March to mid May. Its appearance resembles the human brain matter. Date: 3 July 2011, 15:46. Source: GYROMITRA ESCULENTA (Krombh.) Cooke. Author: GLJIVARSKO DRUSTVO NIS from Serbia.
Description: A Spring and Early Summer species widely encountered in temperate regions and often confused with morels. It has proved poisonous to some people at least. Date: 7 February 2017, 14:05. Source: Gyromitra esculenta-- The False Morel. Author: Dick Culbert from Gibsons, B.C., Canada.
Description: Suomi: Korvasieniä myynnissä helsinkiläisen tavaratalon ruokaosastolla. Suomen laki sallii korvasienten myynnin tuoreena, kunhan niiden myrkyllisyydestä varoitetaan selkeästi ja niiden mukana on lainmukainen valmistusohje. (Oheinen lappu roikkui kaupassa sienten yläpuolella, siirsin sen henkilökunnan luvalla sienten viereen saadakseni molemmat kuvaan.) English: False morel fungi (Gyromitra esculenta) for sale at a department store in Helsinki. Though deadly poisonous unless properly parboiled, these mushrooms are considered a local delicacy, and Finnish law permits their sale fresh as long they are accompanied by conspicuous warnings and government-approved preparation instructions. (The mandatory warning label was originally hanging above the mushrooms; I moved it, with the permission of the staff, down to get both into the same picture.). Date: 4 June 2008. Source: Own work. Author: Ilmari Karonen. Other versions: .
Description: English: Gyromitra esculenta growing on a lawn in southern Finland. Suomi: Korvasieni nurmikolla. Date: 15 May 2012, 13:07:27. Source: Own work. Author: Voltteri. Camera location60° 30′ 21.22″ N, 22° 14′ 01.05″ EView all coordinates using: OpenStreetMap 60.505895; 22.233624.
Description: Suomi: Korvasieniä myynnissä Helsingin kauppatorilla. Suomen laki sallii korvasienten myynnin tuoreena, kunhan niiden myrkyllisyydestä varoitetaan selkeästi ja niiden mukana on lainmukainen valmistusohje. English: False morel fungi (Gyromitra esculenta) for sale at the Helsinki market square. Though deadly poisonous unless properly parboiled, these mushrooms are considered a local delicacy, and Finnish law permits their sale fresh as long they are accompanied by conspicuous warnings and government-approved preparation instructions. Date: 4 June 2008. Source: Own work. Author: Ilmari Karonen. Camera location60° 10′ 03.36″ N, 24° 57′ 11.16″ EView all coordinates using: OpenStreetMap 60.167600; 24.953100.