
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Orgilus levis

This species resembles politus in its smooth and polished abdomen and hind coxae, but it may be distinguished by the much narrower hind wing, which is also differently shaped, being broadly rounded at the apex and having the anterior and posterior margins parallel, by the relatively shorter hind femora and by the nearly horizontal and rugulose propodeum; also by the blackish mandibles and darker wings.

MALE.—Length of holotype 4 mm. Head conspicuously wider than thorax, in dorsal view about 0.6 as long as wide. Face a little narrower than eye height (in ratio of 60:65), shiny, and with some minute and faint punctures; malar space hardly one-third as long as eye height, and finely shagreened like the lower cheeks; temples rounded, smooth and polished, about 0.75 as wide as eyes; occipital carina broadly interrupted medially; ocellocular line twice as long as diameter of an ocellus; antennae 35-segmented in the holotype, 33-segmented in the smaller paratype.

Thorax very narrow; mesoscutum shiny, with minute and very shallow setigerous punctures; mesonotal lobes very prominent because of the deeply impressed notauli, which are very fine and not clearly foveolate; propodeum nearly horizontal, finely rugulose, the stubs of longitudinal carinae that arise from the posterior margin very short; side of pronotum shiny, weakly rugulose anteriorly and in the impression; mesopleuron smooth and shiny, the longitudinal furrow straight and weak, rather weakly foveolate; metapleuron shiny and largely smooth, rugulose posteriorly. Hind coxa smooth and shiny, 0.75 as long as hind femur, which is less than four times as long as broad; inner calcarium of hind tibia less than half as long as metatarsus, the outer calcarium much shorter than the second tarsal segment. Radial cell on wing margin not quite as long as stigma; second abscissa of radius on a line with intercubitus; nervulus a little postfurcal; hind wing five times as long as wide, broadly rounded at apex, the anterior and posterior margins virtually parallel; lower abscissa of basella very nearly or quite half as long as mediella or maximum width of hind wing.

Abdomen completely smooth and polished, with no trace of sculpture, even on the first tergite, which is also without any trace of the dorsal keels; first tergite nearly 1.5 times as long as wide at apex, the second nearly as long as wide at base.

Black; clypeus, mandibles, palpi, and antennae black; tegulae and wing bases brown; wings uniformly a little smoky; legs, including all coxae entirely, testaceous, the tibiae and tarsi more or less darkened.



DISTRIBUTION.—Known only from two males (one the holotype) taken in Bradford County, Florida, 8 December 1962, by F. W. Mead, additionally labeled as from “pine flatwoods and drained cypress ponds.”
bibliographic citation
Muesebeck, Carl F. W. 1970. "The Nearctic species of Orgilus Haliday (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-104. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.30