Comprehensive Description
provided by North American Flora
Schizonella melanogramma (DC.) Schrot. Beitr. Biol
Pfl. 2: 352. 1877.
Uredo melanogramma DC. Fl. Fr. 6: 75. 1815.
Ustilago ambiens Karst. Oefv. K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Forh. 292 : 108. 1872. (Type from Spitzbergen.)
Urocystis pusilla Cooke & Peck ; Peck, Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 25 : 90. 1873. (Type from New
York, on Carex pennsylvanica.') Gem-inella m.elanogram,m.a Magn. Hedwigia 14: 19. 1875. Entyloma awdx^re^ Johans, Oefv. K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Forh. 419; 160. 1885.
Sori in the leaves, chiefly epiphyllous, linear, 1-2 mm., or often by terminal fusion of considerable length, forming rather permanently agglutinated black striae ; spores dark reddish-brown, often with the cells becoming partially or entirely separated by the bulging of the contiguous sides, chiefly ellipsoidal to hemispherical or, when separated into cells, polyhedral to subspherical, chiefly 8-12 /^ in length.
On Cyperaceae :
Carex atrattfor^sdsAC . atraia), Colorado.
Carex Hoodii , ^teh^
Carex laxiflora^ XXlinois.
Carex pennsylvanica^ Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Iowa, Massachusetts, Michigan,
New York, Wisconsin. j» • ■ ^■.
Carex sp., California, Colorado, Indiana, Michigan, Nevada, Oregon, foahyWyoming. Type locality; Jura, Europe, on Carex montana.
Distribution : New England to Oregon and California ; also in South America and Europe.
- bibliographic citation
- George Perkins Clinton. 1906. USTILAGINALES; USTILAGINACEAE, TILLETIACEAE. North American flora. vol 7(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY