Wayne N. Mathis, Tadeusz Zatwarnicki
Figures 132–135.Hydrochasma andeum sp. n. (Ecuador. Manabi: Pietro Carbo) 132 epandrium and cerci, posterior view 133 same, lateral view 134 internal structures of male terminalia (aedeagus [shaded], phallapodeme, gonite, hypandrium), ventral view 135 same, lateral view. Scale bar = 0.1 mm.
Menno Reemer, Gunilla Ståhls
Figures 3–10.3–5 Afromicrodon madecassa male (holotype): 3 habitus dorsal 4 head frontal 5 head lateral 6 Afromicrodon johannae male (paratype), genitalia lateral 7–9 Archimicrodon (s.s.) simplicicornis male (holotype): 7 habitus dorsal 8 habitus lateral 9 genitalia lateral 10 Archimicrodon (s.s.) malukensis male (holotype), habitus dorsal.
Wayne N. Mathis, Tadeusz Zatwarnicki
Figure 136.Distribution of Hydrochasma andeum sp. n.
Menno Reemer, Gunilla Ståhls
Figures 11–19.11–15 Archimicrodon (s.s) malukensis: 11 male (holotype), habitus lateral 12 male (holotype), head frontal 13 female (paratype), head frontal 14 male (holotype, wing 15 male (paratype), genitalia lateral 16–17 Archimicrodon (Hovamicrodon) silvester male (holotype): 16 habitus lateral 17 wing 18–19 Archimicrodon (Hovamicrodon): 18 Archimicrodon nubecula female (holotype), scutellum 19 Archimicrodon silvester male (holotype), genitalia lateral.
Wayne N. Mathis, Tadeusz Zatwarnicki
Figures 137–140.Hydrochasma annae sp. n. (USA. Utah. Grand: Green River) 137 epandrium and cerci, posterior view 138 same, lateral view 139 internal structures of male terminalia (aedeagus [shaded], phallapodeme, gonite, hypandrium), ventral view 140 same, lateral view. Scale bar = 0.1 mm.
Menno Reemer, Gunilla Ståhls
Figures 44–52.44–45 Ceratophya: 44 Ceratophya panamensis female (paratype), abdomen lateral 45 Ceratophya notata male (holotype), genitalia 46–52 Ceratrichomyia males (holotypes): 46 Ceratophya behara, habitus dorsal 47 Ceratophya behara, habitus lateral 48 Ceratophya bullabucca, habitus dorsal 49 Ceratophya bullabucca, habitus lateral 50 Ceratophya bullabucca, head frontal 51 Ceratophya angolensis, habitus dorsal 52 Ceratophya angolensis, habitus lateral.
Wayne N. Mathis, Tadeusz Zatwarnicki
Figure 141.Distribution of Hydrochasma annae sp. n.
Menno Reemer, Gunilla Ståhls
Figures 53–60.53–55 Ceratrichomyia angolensis male (holotype): 53 head frontal 54 head lateral 55 wing. 56–58 Ceratrichomyia males (holotypes): 56 Ceratrichomyia angolensis 57 Ceratrichomyia behara 58 Ceratrichomyia bullabucca 59–60 Ceriomicrodon petiolatus male (holotype): 59 habitus lateral 60 genitalia lateral.
Wayne N. Mathis, Tadeusz Zatwarnicki
Figures 144–147.Hydrochasma aquia Mathis and Zatwarnicki (USA. Virginia. Stafford: Aquia Harbour, Lions Park) 144 epandrium and cerci, posterior view 145 same, lateral view 146 internal structures of male terminalia (aedeagus [shaded], phallapodeme, gonite, hypandrium), ventral view 147 same, lateral view. Scale bar = 0.1 mm.
Menno Reemer, Gunilla Ståhls
Figures 44–52.44–45 Ceratophya: 44 Ceratophya panamensis female (paratype), abdomen lateral 45 Ceratophya notata male (holotype), genitalia 46–52 Ceratrichomyia males (holotypes): 46 Ceratophya behara, habitus dorsal 47 Ceratophya behara, habitus lateral 48 Ceratophya bullabucca, habitus dorsal 49 Ceratophya bullabucca, habitus lateral 50 Ceratophya bullabucca, head frontal 51 Ceratophya angolensis, habitus dorsal 52 Ceratophya angolensis, habitus lateral.
Wayne N. Mathis, Tadeusz Zatwarnicki
Figure 148.Distribution of Hydrochasma aquia Mathis and Zatwarnicki.
Menno Reemer, Gunilla Ståhls
Figures 53–60.53–55 Ceratrichomyia angolensis male (holotype): 53 head frontal 54 head lateral 55 wing. 56–58 Ceratrichomyia males (holotypes): 56 Ceratrichomyia angolensis 57 Ceratrichomyia behara 58 Ceratrichomyia bullabucca 59–60 Ceriomicrodon petiolatus male (holotype): 59 habitus lateral 60 genitalia lateral.
Wayne N. Mathis, Tadeusz Zatwarnicki
Figures 154–156.Hydrochasma capsum sp. n. (Puerto Rico. Maricao) 154 head, anterior view 155 same, lateral view 156 same, oblique view. Scale bar = 0.1 mm.
Menno Reemer, Gunilla Ståhls
Figures 68–75.68–73 Domodon zodiacus male (holotype): 68 habitus dorsal 69 habitus lateral 70 head frontal 71 head lateral 72 wing 73 genitalia lateral 74–75 Furcantenna nepalensis male (holotype): 74 habitus dorsal 75 habitus lateral.
Wayne N. Mathis, Tadeusz Zatwarnicki
Figures 157–160.Hydrochasma capsum sp. n. (Puerto Rico. Rio Hoconuco) 157 epandrium and cerci, posterior view 158 same, lateral view 159 internal structures of male terminalia (aedeagus [shaded], phallapodeme, gonite, hypandrium), ventral view 160 same, lateral view. Scale bar = 0.1 mm.
Menno Reemer, Gunilla Ståhls
Figures 76–84.76–80 Furcantenna nepalensis male (holotype): 76 abdomen dorsal 77 head frontal 78 head lateral 79 wing 80 genitalia lateral 81–82 Heliodon doris male (holotype): 81 habitus dorsal 82 habitus lateral 83–84 Heliodon doris female (paratype): 83 habitus dorsal 84 habitus lateral.
Wayne N. Mathis, Tadeusz Zatwarnicki
Figure 161.Distribution of Hydrochasma capsum sp. n.
Menno Reemer, Gunilla Ståhls
Figures 44–52.44–45 Ceratophya: 44 Ceratophya panamensis female (paratype), abdomen lateral 45 Ceratophya notata male (holotype), genitalia 46–52 Ceratrichomyia males (holotypes): 46 Ceratophya behara, habitus dorsal 47 Ceratophya behara, habitus lateral 48 Ceratophya bullabucca, habitus dorsal 49 Ceratophya bullabucca, habitus lateral 50 Ceratophya bullabucca, head frontal 51 Ceratophya angolensis, habitus dorsal 52 Ceratophya angolensis, habitus lateral.
Wayne N. Mathis, Tadeusz Zatwarnicki
Figures 184–185.Abdomens of males, dorsal view. 184 Hydrochasma capsum sp. n. (Cuba. Sancti Spiritus: Topes de Collantes) 185 Hydrochasma leucoproctum (Loew) (St. Vincent: Cumberland Bay). Scale bar = 0.1 mm.
Menno Reemer, Gunilla Ståhls
Figures 101–108.101–102 Hypselosyrphus, male genitalia: 101 Heliodon amazonicus (Peru, coll. RMNH) (cercus missing) 102 Heliodon analis (holotype) 103–106 Indascia gracilis male (holotype): 103 habitus dorsal 104 habitus lateral 105 wing 106 genitalia 107–108 Indascia gigantica male (holotype): 107 habitus dorsal 108 habitus lateral.
Wayne N. Mathis, Tadeusz Zatwarnicki
Figures 162–165.Hydrochasma edmistoni sp. n. (Dominican Republic. La Vega: La Vega) 162 epandrium and cerci, posterior view 163 same, lateral view 164 internal structures of male terminalia (aedeagus [shaded], phallapodeme, gonite, hypandrium), ventral view 165 same, lateral view. Scale bar = 0.1 mm.
Menno Reemer, Gunilla Ståhls
Figures 109–118.109–112 Indascia gigantica male (holotype): 109 head frontal 110 head lateral 111 wing 112 genitalia lateral 113–118 Indascia spathulata male (holotype): 113 habitus lateral 114 dorsal 115 head frontal 116 head lateral 117 wing 118 genitalia lateral.
Wayne N. Mathis, Tadeusz Zatwarnicki
Figure 166.Distribution map of Hydrochasma edmistoni sp. n.
Menno Reemer, Gunilla Ståhls
Figures 109–118.109–112 Indascia gigantica male (holotype): 109 head frontal 110 head lateral 111 wing 112 genitalia lateral 113–118 Indascia spathulata male (holotype): 113 habitus lateral 114 dorsal 115 head frontal 116 head lateral 117 wing 118 genitalia lateral.