IZ_1483008_MicroscopeImage_01.jpg; EX1711_IMG_20171211T155444Z_MICRO_D2_DIVE09_SPEC01BIO_A03_M01.JPG
USNM 1618530, FPlrv_1487 - Unedited Specimen Image 3. All raw larval photos imported at time of cataloging. Edited, curated photos expected at a later date.
USNM 1449871 - Specimen Image 16
USNM 1449871 - Specimen Image 10
USNM 1450289 - Specimen Image 13
IZ_1482993_MicroscopeImage_04.jpg; EX1711_IMG_20171204T182136Z_MICRO_D2_DIVE05_SPEC04BIO_A01_M04.JPG
USNM 1450220 - Specimen Image 1
USNM 1618372, FPlrv_1329 - Unedited Specimen Image 8. All raw larval photos imported at time of cataloging. Edited, curated photos expected at a later date.
IZ 1523877 - specimen image, DUT0569_20180904_164301
IZ_1482993_MicroscopeImage_05.jpg; EX1711_IMG_20171204T182136Z_MICRO_D2_DIVE05_SPEC04BIO_A01_M05.JPG
USNM 1449871 - Specimen Image 1
USNM 1618528, FPlrv_1485 - Unedited Specimen Image 1. All raw larval photos imported at time of cataloging. Edited, curated photos expected at a later date.
USNM 1618530, FPlrv_1487 - Unedited Specimen Image 7. All raw larval photos imported at time of cataloging. Edited, curated photos expected at a later date.
USNM 1617639, FPlrv_596 - Unedited Specimen Image 8. All raw larval photos imported at time of cataloging. Edited, curated photos expected at a later date.
IZ_1660322_LabImage_3.tif; EX2107_IMG_20211114T162447Z_SMPSTL_D14_05B_A01_L04.JPG
IZ_1596692_MicroscopeImage_03.jpg; EX1905L2_IMG_20190914T173624Z_MICRO_D12_04B_A04_M03.JPG
USNM 1450220 - Specimen Image 8
USNM 1618528, FPlrv_1485 - Unedited Specimen Image 10. All raw larval photos imported at time of cataloging. Edited, curated photos expected at a later date.
USNM 1617082, FPlrv_039 - Unedited Specimen Image 2. All raw larval photos imported at time of cataloging. Edited, curated photos expected at a later date.
USNM 1449871 - Specimen Image 22
USNM 1618529, FPlrv_1486 - Unedited Specimen Image 1. All raw larval photos imported at time of cataloging. Edited, curated photos expected at a later date.
IZ_1490553_LabImage_06.jpg; EX1806_IMG_20180617T191936Z_SMPSTL_D2_DIVE04_SPEC12BIO_A03_L06.JPG
USNM 1618528, FPlrv_1485 - Unedited Specimen Image 6. All raw larval photos imported at time of cataloging. Edited, curated photos expected at a later date.
USNM 1449552 - Specimen Image 2