Image of Clustered sedge
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Clustered Sedge

Carex glareosa Schkuhr ex Wahlenb.

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Carex glareosa W'ahl. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Xva Handl
24: 146. 1803.
Neskiza glareosa Raf. Good Book 27 wahl I
in small clumps, the rootstocks slender, elongate, black, fibrillose, the culms very slender, 1-2 5 dm. high, sharply triangular, much exceeding the leaves, smooth i itrongly black fibrillose .it base, and clothed with the dried up leaves of the previous year, the lower bladeli . leaves with well-developed bis fertile culm, clustered on the lower fourth, the blades flat, <>r more or It s< analiculate, usually cm. long, i.25-2.i mm. wide, li iiiirh. roughened toward thi
attenuate apex; iterile-culm leaves longer, tin heaths tight, very thin, hyaline ventrally, short-prolonged ;it mouth beyond base of blade and continuous with Hgule; i mV . ! oi
ipproximate, the head 12-18 mm lonj the b i tnio il
linear, 7 12 mm. long, 2 mm wide, with a long clavatc base containing the staminate H and with 4 20 strongly appi oia, the lower piki pi tillate, oblong-linear, I mm
long, 2 5 mm. wide, containing short-cuspidate; scales oblong-ovate, obtuse, thin, chestnut-brown with yellowish-brown 3nerved center and shining white-hyaline margins, the midvein sharply keeled, not extending to apex, wider than but exceeded by the mature perigynia; perigynia plano-convex, lanceolate, 3.5 mm. long, scarcely 1 mm. wide, thick, very membranaceous, light-brownish above, glaucous, white or yellowish below, densely white-punctate, finely many-nerved on both sides, stipitate, spongiose and round-tapering at base, long-tapering at apex into a very minute beak, smooth, slightly obliquely cleft dorsally, tawny-tinged, with entire tip; achenes lenticular, short-stipitate, truncately short-apiculate, narrowly oblong, 2 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide, nearly filling perigynia; style slender, jointed with achene, at length deciduous; stigmas two, slender, yellowish-brown, short.
Type locality: "Hab. in littoribus maritimis glareosis Norvegiae septentrionalis & ad Sinum Bottnicum."
Distribution: Brackish marshes, Labrador and Newfoundland to Quebec; Alaska; also in northern Europe. (Specimens examined from Quebec, Newfoundland (Quirpon Harbor), Labrador, Alaska.)
bibliographic citation
Kenneth Kent Mackenzie. 1931. (POALES); CYPERACEAE; CARICEAE. North American flora. vol 18(2). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora