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Contact MeBelow is an excerpt from my travel blog. Cheers.It's views such as this that blew me away while I toured Vietnam. By far the most intensely beautiful place I've experienced thus far on my trip, the colors are more vivid, culture is richer and their history more compelling than most places I've traveled to in this world. It's no wonder the Vietnamese are fiercely proactive in defense of their independence and sovereignty. I wonder what Vietnam will be like in a few years. The country is one of the last Asian dragons to wake from its slumber and is changing rapidly. Ho Chi Minh city has skyscrapers sprouting up left and right, foreign investors are building resorts on the coast by the second and the once simple agrarian lifestyle is slowly fading. I'm happy to have seen it when I did and hope that it can keep its natural beauty and character as the country modernizes.I'm currently traveling the world. You can follow my travels on my HDR travel website if you're interesting. The site is
www.LostManProject.com. Cheers from Vietnam.