Figures 311–315.Aptostichus bonoi sp. n. 311–314 male holotype (AP399) from San Bernardino County; scale bars = 1.0mm 311 retrolateral aspect, leg I [806371] 312 prolateral aspect, leg I [806375] 313 retrolateral aspect, pedipalp [806377] 314 line drawings of leg I spination pattern and pedipalp; retrolateral aspect, leg I patella, tibia, metatarsus, tarsus; prolateral aspect tibia and patella; retrolateral aspect, pedipalp 315 female paratype (AP901) from San Bernardino County, cleared spermathecae [806378]; scale bar = 0.1mm.
Map 33.Distribution of Aptostichus fornax, Aptostichus cajalco, Aptostichus chavezi, Aptostichus fisheri, Aptostichus elisabethae, and Aptostichus lucerne.
Figures 316–322.Aptostichus fisheri sp. n. from Kern County; scale bars = 1.0mm. 316 habitus of male paratype (AP954) [806438] 317–319 male holotype (AP955) 317 retrolateral aspect, leg I [806442] 318 prolateral aspect, leg I [806446] 319 retrolateral aspect, pedipalp [806448] 320, 321 male paratype (AP407) 320 retrolateral aspect, leg I [806450] 321 prolateral aspect, leg I [806454] 322 line drawings of leg I spination pattern and pedipalp; retrolateral aspect, patella, tibia, metatarsus, tarsus; prolateral aspect, tibia and patella; retrolateral aspect, pedipalp.
Figure 28.Summary tree based on an analysis of 337 individuals scored for the 12S-tRNA valine-16S mtDNA gene region comprising 1618 base pairs. Solid dots on internal branches denote strong posterior probability (PP) and bootstrap support (BS); half-shaded dots are nodes with bootstrap values < 74%.
Figures 323–327.Aptostichus cajalco sp. n. male holotype (MY3778) from Riverside County; scale bars = 1.0mm. 323 habitus [806393] 324 retrolateral aspect, leg I [806395] 325 prolateral aspect, leg I [806397] 326 retrolateral aspect, pedipalp [806399] 327 line drawings of leg I spination pattern; retrolateral aspect, tibia, metatarsus, tarsus; tibia.
Figures 328–331.Aptostichus cajalco sp. n. female specimens from Riverside County. 328 habitus, female paratype (MY3778) [806382] 329–331 cleared spermathecae; scale bars = 0.1mm 329 MY3778 [806385] 330 AP668 [806386] 331 AP669 [806389].
Map 33.Distribution of Aptostichus fornax, Aptostichus cajalco, Aptostichus chavezi, Aptostichus fisheri, Aptostichus elisabethae, and Aptostichus lucerne.
Figures 69–75.Aptostichus atomarius Simon, 1891. 69–72 Specimen AP357 from San Bernardino Co., San Bernardino; scale bar = 1.0mm 69 retrolateral aspect leg I [805733] 70 prolateral aspect leg I [805737] 71 retrolateral aspect pedipalp [805743] 72 ventral aspect palpal bulb [805745] 73–75 line drawings of spination patterns on metatarsus and tibia, leg I, retrolateral aspect 73 Los Angeles Co., Baldwin Hills (AP181) 74 San Luis Obispo Co., San Luis Obispo (AP172) 75 Los Angeles Co., Eaton Canyon Park (AP157).
Figures 76–78.Aptostichus atomarius cleared spermathecae; scale bar = 0.25mm. 76 Los Angeles Co., San Gabriel Canyon (MY2618) [806561] 77 Riverside Co., Winchester (MY2603) [806564] 78 San Bernardino Co., San Bernardino National Forest (AP724) [806567].
Figures 79–81.Aptostichus atomarius specimens, live photographs. 79 MY3794 80 AUMS74 81 AUMS71.
Maps 2, 3.Aptostichus atomarius Simon, 1891. 2 distribution of known specimens 3 predicted distribution; cooler colors–blue shades–represent areas of high probability of occurrence, warmer colors–yellow and orange shades–represent areas of low probability of occurrence.
Figures 332–336.Aptostichus sierra sp. n. male holotype (AP400) from Fresno County; scale bars = 1.0mm. 332 habitus [806511] 333 retrolateral aspect, leg I [806515] 334 prolateral aspect, leg I [806517] 335 retrolateral aspect, pedipalp [806519] 336 line drawings of leg I tibia and patella spination patterns; retrolateral aspect; prolateral aspect.
Map 34, 35.Distribution of Sierra group species. 34 known distribution of Aptostichus dorothealangeae, Aptostichus chavezi, Aptostichus huntington, and Aptostichus sierra 35 predicted distribution of Aptostichus chavezi; cooler colors–blue shades–represent areas of high probability of occurrence, warmer colors–yellow and orange shades–represent areas of low probability of occurrence.
Figures 337–341.Aptostichus huntington sp. n. male holotype (AP408) from Fresno County; scale bars = 1.0mm. 337 retrolateral aspect, leg I [806469] 338 prolateral aspect, leg I [806473] 339 retrolateral aspect, pedipalp [806475] 340 sternum [806477] 341 line drawings of leg I and pedipalp spination patterns; retrolateral aspect patella, tibia, metatarsus, and tarsus; prolateral aspect tibia and patella; retrolateral aspect, pedipalp.
Map 34, 35.Distribution of Sierra group species. 34 known distribution of Aptostichus dorothealangeae, Aptostichus chavezi, Aptostichus huntington, and Aptostichus sierra 35 predicted distribution of Aptostichus chavezi; cooler colors–blue shades–represent areas of high probability of occurrence, warmer colors–yellow and orange shades–represent areas of low probability of occurrence.
Figures 342–346.Aptostichus dorothealangeae sp. n. from Kern County. 342–345 male holotype (AP426); scale bars = 1.0mm 342 habitus [806412] 343 retrolateral aspect, leg I [806416] 344 prolateral aspect, leg I [806418] 345 retrolateral aspect, pedipalp [806420] 346 cleared spermathecae (AP732) [806421]; scale bar = 0.1mm.
Map 34, 35.Distribution of Sierra group species. 34 known distribution of Aptostichus dorothealangeae, Aptostichus chavezi, Aptostichus huntington, and Aptostichus sierra 35 predicted distribution of Aptostichus chavezi; cooler colors–blue shades–represent areas of high probability of occurrence, warmer colors–yellow and orange shades–represent areas of low probability of occurrence.
Figures 347–351.Aptostichus chavezi sp. n. from Tulare County. 347–349 male holotype (AP562); scale bars = 1.0mm 347 retrolateral aspect, right leg I [806401] 348 prolateral aspect, right leg I [806405] 349 retrolateral aspect, pedipalp [806407] 350 cleared spermathecae (AP1248) [806408]; scale bar = 0.1mm 351 female paratype (MY3774) from Tulare County, photographed in life.
Map 34, 35.Distribution of Sierra group species. 34 known distribution of Aptostichus dorothealangeae, Aptostichus chavezi, Aptostichus huntington, and Aptostichus sierra 35 predicted distribution of Aptostichus chavezi; cooler colors–blue shades–represent areas of high probability of occurrence, warmer colors–yellow and orange shades–represent areas of low probability of occurrence.
Figures 82–87.Aptostichus stephencolberti Bond, 2008. 82 male habitus from San Francisco Co. (AP156) [805762] 83–85 male holotype from San Mateo Co., Pescadero State Beach (MY3515); scale bar = 1.0mm 83 retrolateral aspect leg I [805751] 84 prolateral aspect leg I [805747] 85 retrolateral aspect pedipalp [805753] 86 female habitus from Santa Cruz Co., Waddell Creek Beach (MY3508) [805758] 87 cleared spermathecae, from San Luis Obispo Co., Wilder Ranch State Beach (MY3500) [805754]; scale bar = 0.25mm.
Figures 88–90.Aptostichus stephencolberti specimens, live photographs. 88 male holotype from San Mateo Co., Pescadero State Beach (MY3515) 89, 90 specimens from Monterey Co., Marina Dunes State Park (AUMS20).
Maps 4, 5.Aptostichus stephencolberti, Bond 2008. 4 distribution of known specimens 5 predicted distribution; cooler colors–blue shades–represent areas of high probability of occurrence, warmer colors–yellow and orange shades–represent areas of low probability of occurrence.
Figures 91–94.Aptostichus angelinajolieae Bond, 2008. 91–93 male paratype from Monterey Co., Carmel (AP167); scale bars = 1.0mm 91 retrolateral aspect right leg I [805766] 92 prolateral aspect right leg I [805770] 93 retrolateral aspect pedipalp [805772] 94 cleared spermathecae, female holotype from Monterey Co., Carmel Valley (MY3310) [805773]; scale bar = 0.25mm.
Figures 95–97.Aptostichus angelinajolieae specimens from Monterey Co., Monterey, live photographs. 95 female specimen (AUMS62) 96, 97 malespecimen (MY3630) 97 close up shot of leg I, retrolateral aspect, in life.