Bulb 1-1.5 cm diam., ovoid; outer tunics membranous, greyish-black, splitting lengthways; stem straight or flexuose; leaves 2-4, 0.5-1 mm wide, nearly as long as or slightly exceeding the inflorescence, filiform, smooth, sheathing the lower 1/2 to 1/3 of the stem; spathe 2-valved, persistent, the valves wide at the base, tapering gradually into long slender appendages, longer than the umbel; umbel 3-7 cm diam., oblong to fastigiate, the pedicels at first pendent then becoming patent and finally erect; pedicels unequal, 1-4 cm at anthesis; perianth campanulate; segments 3.5-5 mm, pink or pale purple,
usually with a darker reddish midvein, oblong or oblong- oblanceolate, obtuse to subacute or rounded; filaments simple, expanded at the base and subulate at the apex, shortly exserted; anthers fully exserted, yellow; style exserted; capsule c. 3 mm, depressed-subglobose, trigonous.
Sinai, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Greece, Turkey, Iraq, Iran.
Dry slopes and rocky places.
Height: 10-35 cm.