Comprehensive Description
provided by North American Flora
Sagittaria graminea Michx. Fl. Bor. Am. 2 : 190. 18Q3
Plants emersed or submerged, 1-6 dm. tall ; leaves represented by flat, linear, oblong, or linear-lanceolate phyllodia 5-30 cm. long and usually also by blade-tipped petioles, the blades linear, lanceolate, or elliptic, 3-15 cm. long, rarely with divergent basal lobes and hastate ; scapes usually erect, simple, shorter than the leaves or overtopping them ; whorls of the inflorescence few and remote or some times numerous and rather approximate; pedicels variable, but those of staminate and pistillate flowers often about equal in length ; bracts ovate, 3-7 mm. long, acute, united to about the middle ; sepals ovate or oblongovate, becoming 4-6 mm. long ; corolla commonly 1-2 cm. broad ; filaments dilated, pubescent ; anthers about as long as the filaments ; fruit-heads less than 1 cm. in diameter ; achenes cuneate, 1.5 mm. long, winged, with one facial wing or crest, the beak short, lateral, spreading.
Type locality : Canada.
Distribution : Newfoundland to Saskatchewan, Florida, and Texas.
- bibliographic citation
- Percy Wilson, Per Axel Rydberg, Norman Taylor, Nathaniel Lord Britton, John Kunkel Small, George Valentine Nash. 1909. PANDANALES-POALES; TYPHACEAE, SPARGANACEAE, ELODEACEAE, HYDROCHARITACEAE, ZANNICHELLIACEAE, ZOSTERACEAE, CYMODOCEACEAE, NAIADACEAE, LILAEACEAE, SCHEUCHZERIACEAE, ALISMACEAE, BUTOMACEAE, POACEAE (pars). North American flora. vol 17(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY