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The Jaguarundi is a small wild feline located in the southern part of the American continent, including southern Texas, Mexico, Central and South America. There is also rumored to be a small isolated population of jaguarondi in central Florida. The Jaguarundi is commonly called the "otter cat" due to its otter like appearance. The Jaguarundi has an elongated body with relatively short legs and round ears. The jaguarundi also has a long tale much like a panthers. The Jaguarundi ranges in colors from black to a light brown color. Adult Jaguarundi's have a solid color cote while younger jaguarundi's will have a small speckled or patterned coat. The Jaguarundi is a carnivore and eats small animals such as fish and birds.
Jaguarundi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Thejaguarundi(Puma yagouaroundisyn.Herpailurus yagouaroundi), also calledeyra cat, is a small-sized wildcatnative toCentralandSouth America.