2005 The Regents of the University of California
Plot 1-J. Western yellow pine- white fir type, Fruit Growers Supply Company, Sale, Lassen N.F. After logging., T 32 N R 9 E Sec 15 Quad name: Eagle Lake. Quad number: 20.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Plot 1-J. Western yellow pine- white fir type, Fruit Growers Supply Company, Sale, Lassen N. F. After logging., T 32 N R 9 E Sec 15 Quad name: Eagle Lake. Quad number: 20.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Plot 1-H. Western yellow pine-white fir type, Fruit Growers Supply Company, Sale, Lassen N.F. After logging., T 32 N R 9 E Sec 15 Quad name: Eagle Lake. Quad number: 20.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Plot 1-E. Western yellow pine-white fir type , Fruit Growers Supply Company, Sale, Lassen N.F. After logging., T 32 N R 9 E Sec 15 Quad name: Eagle Lake. Quad number: 20.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Plot 1-D. Western yellow pine- white fir type, Fruit Growers Supply Company, Sale, Lassen N.F. After logging., T 32 N R 9 E Sec 15 Quad name: Eagle Lake. Quad number: 20.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Area logged with donkey engines by Fruit Growers Supply Company in 1922. Note advanced white fir reproduction between skid trails and subsequent western yellow pine reproduction in denuded skid trails., T 32 N R 9 E Sec 15 Quad name: Eagle Lake. Quad number: 20.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Plot 2-I. Western yellow pine -white fir type, Fruit Growers Supply Company, Lassen N.F. After logging., T 32 N R 9 E Sec 15 Quad name: Eagle Lake. Quad number: 20.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Plot 2-H. Western yellow pine-white fir type, Fruit Growers Supply Company, Lassen N.F. After logging., T 32 N R 9 E Sec 15 Quad name: Eagle Lake. Quad number: 20.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Plot 2-D. Western yellow pine-white fir type, Fruit Growers Supply Company, Lassen N. F. After logging., T 32 N R 9 E Sec 15 Quad name: Eagle Lake. Quad number: 20.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Plot 3-B, Check plot open, white fir reproduction, no slash., T 32 N R 9 E Sec 15 Quad name: Eagle Lake. Quad number: 20.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Open white fir reproduction ground completely covered with western yellow pine and white fir slash 1 foot deep., T 32 N R 9 E Sec 15 Quad name: Eagle Lake. Quad number: 20.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Plots 4-A and 4-B. Overstocked area, white fir reproduction, one half area covered with slash 14 inches deep., T 32 N R 9 E Sec 15 Quad name: Eagle Lake. Quad number: 20.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Plot 1-I. Western yellow pine-white fir type, Fruit Growers Supply Company, Lassen N.F. before logging, T 32 N R 9 E Sec 15 Quad name: Eagle Lake. Quad number: 20.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
By highway about 6 miles SE of Bartle. Old growth-young growth stand of old ponderosa pines, sugar pines and young Douglas firs, white firs and incense cedars. Site 175-200. DBH of old trees from 34" to 40". Deep soil with scattered basalt rocks. Assoc. species: understory brush species: Ceanothus cordulatus, Arctostaphylos patula and Ceanothus prostratus., T 39 N R 2 E Sec 20 Quad name: Bartle. Quad number: 15.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Beside road to Hearst Ranch about 5 miles SE of McCloud. Young growth-old growth saw timber stand of young white firs, Douglas firs, and old Ponderosa pines with a predominance of WF and DF reproduction are PP, it appears that the pine stand may gradually be replaced by a Douglas fir, white fir stand. Site 175-200. Assoc. sp.: Arctostaphylos patula, Ceanothus cordulatus and bracken fern in openings., T 39 N R 2 W Sec 20 Quad name: Dunsmuir. Quad number: 14.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
By road to Hearst Ranch about 5 miles SE of McCloud. Old growth-young growth stand of old ponderosa pines and young trees of white fir, ponderosa pine, Douglas fir and Incense cedar in order of abundance. Site 175-200. Arctostaphylos patula, Ceanothus cordulatus as semi-dense understory. No hardwoods present., T 39 N R 2 W Sec 20 Quad name: Dunsmuir. Quad number: 14.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Beside road to Hearst Ranch about 5 miles SE of McCloud. Young growth-old growth saw timber stand of old Ponderosa pines and young white firs, ponderosa pines , Douglas firs and Incense cedars. Site 175-200. Assoc. sp.: Arctostaphylos patula, T 39 N R 2 W Sec 20 Quad name: Dunsmuir. Quad number: 14.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Ridge between Strawberry and Tahquitz Valleys. Brushfield of Arctostaphylos parryana (=Arctostaphylos parryana pinetorum). Jeffrey pine and white fir in background. Assoc. species: Ceanothus cordulatus, Castanopsis sempervirens. Riverside County., T 4 S R 3 E Sec 33 Quad name: San Jacinto. Quad number: 175. Reference to map: 21.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Panorama overlooking Illiouette Basin from Buena Vista Crest. Mt. Starr King on extreme left (319418) and Triple Divide Peak on extreme right (319417). Types range from Jeffrey pine-Red fir-White fir in certain parts of the basin, through Lodgepole pine to Whitebark pine at the upper limits of tree growth., T 4 S R 22 E Sec 12 Quad name: Yosemite. Quad number: 77. Reference to map: 3.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Black Butte Mountain about 5 miles NW of Mt. Shasta near Hwy. 99. Non-commercial area with commercial conifers of white fir and Douglas fir. Entire slope of large talus rock. 5 to 15% timber density on the timbered areas of the slope., T 41 N R 4 W Sec 30 Quad name: Dunsmuir. Quad number: 14.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
On Horse Creek road about 12 miles from Horse Creek P.O. and about two miles from Siskiyou Mt. Summit. Fir type of young growth-old growth of 70% red fir and 30% white fir. Site 150. Shows some old growth red firs about 50" DBH. Some WF and RF reproduction. Assoc. sp.: Some Castanopsis sempervirens brush scattered under stand., T 47 N R 10 W Sec 17 Quad name: Seiad Valley. Quad number: 7.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
On Horse Creek road about 12 miles from Horse Creek P.O. and about two miles from Siskiyou Mt. Summit. Fir type of young growth-old growth of 70% red fir and 30% white fir. Site 150. Shows some old growth red firs about 50" DBH. Some WF and RF reproduction. Assoc. sp.: Some Castanopsis sempervirens brush scattered under stand., T 47 N R 10 W Sec 17 Quad name: Seiad Valley. Quad number: 7.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
On Horse Creek road about 12 miles from Horse Creek P.O. and about 2.5 miles from Siskiyou Summit. Fir type of 90% white fir and 10% red fir 12 mi. on exposed flat bench. Estimate site 150-175. Note fallen dead trees from snow damage., T 47 N R 10 W Sec 17 Quad name: Seiad Valley. Quad number: 7.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Beside Horse Creek Road about 8 miles N. of Horse Creek P.O. Pine-Douglas fir-fir type of young growth - old growth saw timber. A mixture of sugar pine, white fir, Douglas fir and Ponderosa pine. Site 175., T 47 N R 10 W Sec 20 Quad name: Seiad Valley. Quad number: 7.