2005 The Regents of the University of California
1 mile east of Duckwell Mt. Ponderosa pine type. Dense second growth stand in cutover area. Scattering of cull old growth trees. Site Index 175. Associated species: Pinus lambertiana, Calocedrusdecurrens (=Libocedrus decurrens), Abies concolor. Toulumne County., T 1 N R 17 E Sec 4 Quad name: Sonora. Quad number: 78. Reference to map: 20.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Northwest slope of Slide Peak. Old growth Jeffrey pine-white fir stand. Assoc spp. Arctostaphylos parryana (=Arctostaphylos parryana pinetorum), Ceanothus cordulatus. San Bernardino County., T 1 N R 2 W Sec 1 Quad name: Redlands. Quad number: 164D. Reference to map: 9.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Mountain hemlock-Douglas fir-White fir type (interior view) on NE side of South Fork Mt., 2 miles N of Forest Glen- Mad River road. Site index 175. Douglas fir in foreground 165 ft. in height, 72 inches D. B. H. Associated species: Chrysolepischrysophylla var. chrysophylla (=Castanopsis chrysophylla), Pteris aquilina lanuginosa, Berberis nervosa., T 1 N R 6 E Sec 25 Quad name: Hoaglin. Quad number: 30. Reference to map: 1.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Near Ackerson Meadow. Old-growth yellow pine-sugar pine-white fir-incense cedar stands. Site Quality 200. Toulumne County., T 1 S R 19 E Sec 24 Quad name: Yosemite. Quad number: 77. Reference to map: 10.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Near Ackerson Meadow. Old-growth yellow pine-sugar pine-white fir-incense cedar stands. Site Quality 200. Toulumne County., T 1 S R 19 E Sec 24 Quad name: Yosemite. Quad number: 77. Reference to map: 10.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Near Ackerson Meadow. Old-growth yellow pine-sugar pine-white fir-incense cedar stands. Site Quality 200. Toulumne County., T 1 S R 19 E Sec 24 Quad name: Yosemite. Quad number: 77. Reference to map: 10.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Near Ackerson Meadow. Old-growth yellow pine-sugar pine-white fir-incense cedar stands. Site Quality 200. Toulumne County., T 1 S R 19 E Sec 24 Quad name: Yosemite. Quad number: 77. Reference to map: 10.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Near Ackerson Meadow, Hetch Hetchy Road. Old growth stands of ponderosa pine with some sugar pine, Incense cedar and white fir. Toulumne County., T 1 S R 19 E Sec 24 Quad name: Yosemite. Quad number: 77. Reference to map: 10.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Near Ackerson Meadow, Hetch Hetchy Road. Old growth stands of ponderosa pine with some sugar pine, Incense cedar and white fir. Toulumne County., T 1 S R 19 E Sec 24 Quad name: Yosemite. Quad number: 77. Reference to map: 10.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Near park entrance (Carl Inn), Big Oak Flat road. Old Growth stands of sugar pine-white fir with ponderosa pine and Incense cedar. Toulumne County., T 1 S R 19 E Sec 35 Quad name: Yosemite. Quad number: 77. Reference to map: 8.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Near park entrance (Carl Inn), Big Oak Flat road. Old Growth stands of sugar pine-white fir with ponderosa pine and Incense cedar. Toulumne County., T 1 S R 19 E Sec 35 Quad name: Yosemite. Quad number: 77. Reference to map: 8.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Tehachapi Mts. Shows formation in foreground of white fir and canyon live oak; associated chaparral shrubs: Cornus sericea subsp. occidentalis (=Cornus californica), Ceanothus perplexans or Ceanothus vestitus (=Ceanothus greggii), Arctostaphylos parryana. Chaparral on slope in background: Quercus chrysolepis (=Quercus chrysolepis nana), Quercus wislizeni var. frutescens, Ceanothus perplexans or Ceanothus vestitus (=Ceanothus greggii) and Arctostaphylos parryana. Kern Co., T 10 N R 16 W Sec 29 Quad name: Tejon. Quad number: 154. Reference to map: 28.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Looking north at south slope in Tehachapi Mts. Canyon live oak woodlands. Note relict white fir. Mr. Jensen standing in chaparral of Ceanothus cordulatus, Ceanothus perplexans or Ceanothus vestitus (=Ceanothus greggii). Note clump of Arctostaphylos parryana. Occasional sugar pine in stand. Incense cedar in ravine below., T 10 N R 16 W Sec 29 Quad name: Tejon. Quad number: 154. Reference to map: 28.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
One mile west of Pino Grande near Gaddis creek. Second growth sprout regeneration of Chrysolepischrysophylla var. chrysophylla (=Castanopsis chrysophylla). Note height indicated by 3 ft. rule. See specimen #689 collected by A. Wieslander. Assoc. species: ponderosa pine, sugar pine, Douglas fir, incense cedar, white fir., T 12 N R 12 E Sec 21 Quad name: Placerville. Quad number: 56. Reference to map: 36.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Blodgett Forest. Chrysolepischrysophylla var. chrysophylla (=Castanopsis chrysophylla). Tree marked by 3 ft. rule is 28. 0 inches DBH and 85 ft. tall. See specimen # 594. Assoc. species: Sugar pine, ponderosa pine, douglas fir, white fir, incense cedar, tanoak, wester yew, Rhododendron occidentale, Cornus nuttallii. El Dorado Co., T 12 N R 12 E Sec 5 Quad name: Placerville. Quad number: 56. Reference to map: 35.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Placerville Quadrangle, California. Sugar pine-fir virgin timber near Michigan California logging camp. Pinus lambertiana on left, Pseudotsugamenziesii var.glauca (=Pseudotsuga taxifolia) on right foreground. Reproduction mostly Abies concolor., T 12 N R 13 E Sec 22, Elevation 4800 Quad name: Placerville. Quad number: 56. Reference to map: 52.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Placerville Quadrangle, California. South slope virgin timber near Michigan, California logging camp. Sugar pine-ponderosa pine with White fir reproduction in background., T 12 N R 13 E Sec 22, Elevation 4800 Quad name: Placerville. Quad number: 56. Reference to map: 54.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Pinus ponderosa, Pinus lambertiana virgin timber near michigan, California logging camp. Reproduction mostly Abies concolor., T 12 N R 13 E Sec 22, Elevation 4800 Quad name: Placerville. Quad number: 56. Reference to map: 54.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Placerville Quadrangle, California. Pinus ponderosa , Pinus lambertiana virgin timber near Michigan, California logging camp. Reproduction mostly Abies concolor., T 12 N R 13 E Sec 22, Elevation 4800 Quad name: Placerville. Quad number: 56. Reference to map: 54.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Placerville Quadrangle, California. Pinus ponderosa, Pinus lambertiana virgin timber near Michigan, California logging camp. Reproduction mostly Abies concolor., T 12 N R 13 E Sec 22, Elevation 4800 Quad name: Placerville. Quad number: 56. Reference to map: 54.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Placerville Quadrangle, California. Virgin Sugar pine-fir timber near Michigan, California logging camp. Pinus lambertana right foreground. Other species, Pseudotsugamenziesii var.glauca (=Pseudotsuga taxifolia), Abies concolor, Calocedrusdecurrens (=Libocedrus decurrens)., T 12 N R 13 E Sec 22, Elevation 4800 Quad name: Placerville. Quad number: 56. Reference to map: 52.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Looking S. Foreground: brushfield of Rhododendron macrophyllum (=Rhododendron californicum), Quercus sadleriana, Arctostaphylos patula, Arctostaphylos nevadensis, Ceanothus velutinus. Middle ground : sugar pine - Douglas fir type. Background; Sugar pine-red fir -white fir- Douglas fir at upper left; pure sugar pine at upper right: ponderosa pine western white pine upper center. Sugar pine-western white pine in ravine at right., T 12 N R 4 E Sec 17 Quad name: Hoopa. Quad number: 11.