Diagnostic Description
provided by IABIN
Description of the holotype Cranium without longitudinal ridges. Canthus rostralis concave rounded ; muzzle elevated, not protruding. Orbit as wide as length of muzzle anterior toit. Tympanum small, scarcely perceptible. Tongue elongate, subcilindrical. Internal finger slightly longer than second, shorter than third ; toes one-third palmate, third longer than fifth. A tarsal cutaneous fold continuous with the inner metatarsal tubercle ; outer tubercle subconical. Paratoids beginning behind upper margin of tympanum, divergent, trilateral, extending posterior to the axilla, and continuous with a lateral dermal fold. Skin above smooth, with a few scattered tubercles. Femora, sides and abdomen rugulose; the first partly bound by the integument of the sides. The extended limbs reach, the anterior to the femur, the posterior to the end of the muzzle. Muzzle to vent one inch. Above light brown, with a whitish vertebral line ; there are four deep brown spots on each side of this, and a broad chevron-shaped band of the sanlc from border to border of the upper eyelids. A brow11 band on canthus rostralis, and two from orbit to lip. One from orbit to shoulder on outer edge of paratoid, continuous with a blackish shade beneath the lateral fold. Abdomen brownish white, mith a median series of blackish variations from sternum to abdomen.
- author
- Esteban O. Lavilla
- editor
- Diego Arrieta