provided by BioImages, the virtual fieldguide, UK
Fungus / saprobe
sclerotium of Collybia cookei is saprobic on decaying basidiome of Inonotus hispidus
In Great Britain and/or Ireland:
Foodplant / saprobe
fruitbody of Inonotus hispidus is saprobic on dead trunk of Fraxinus excelsior
Other: major host/prey
Foodplant / saprobe
fruitbody of Inonotus hispidus is saprobic on dead trunk of Malus
Other: major host/prey
Foodplant / saprobe
fruitbody of Inonotus hispidus is saprobic on dead trunk of Platanus
Foodplant / saprobe
fruitbody of Inonotus hispidus is saprobic on dead trunk of Quercus
Foodplant / saprobe
fruitbody of Inonotus hispidus is saprobic on dead trunk of Sophora japonica
Foodplant / saprobe
fruitbody of Inonotus hispidus is saprobic on dead trunk of Sorbus torminalis
Foodplant / saprobe
fruitbody of Inonotus hispidus is saprobic on dead trunk of Tilia
Foodplant / saprobe
fruitbody of Inonotus hispidus is saprobic on dead trunk of Ulmus
Other: minor host/prey
Foodplant / parasite
fruitbody of Inonotus hispidus parasitises live trunk of Juglans regia
Other: major host/prey
Foodplant / parasite
fruitbody of Inonotus hispidus parasitises live trunk of Quercus cerris