
Image of Moccasins

Image of Moccasins


This 2008 photograph depicted a juvenile venomous Southern copperhead snake, Agkistrodon contortrix, as it was coiled in a Decatur, Georgia basement.

The adult A. contortrix pitviper grows to a length 50cm to 95cm, and is pictured in PHIL 8130 and 10841. The name pitviper is derived from the fact that these snakes possess two heat-sensing organs situated inside a pit on either side of its head between each ipsilateral eye and nostril, both of which are visible on the right side of this snake’s head from an anterolateral perspective in PHIL 10843, 10848, and 10849. Also note the yellow coloration of the distal tip of its tail, which is a characteristic found in juveniles, but not in adults.
Created: 2008

Source Information

James Gathany
Public Health Image Library