
Image of figeater beetle

Image of figeater beetle


At a magnification of 188X, half that of PHIL 9947, this scanning electron micrograph (SEM) depicted a head-on view of the distal clawed tip of an adult figeater beetle’s, Cotinis mutabilis leg. Phil 9943, 9944, and 9945 depict this anatomical appendicular relationship from its side. The insect leg is comprised of a variable number of segments, however, there are usually six which predominate, including the most proximal coxa, i.e., attaching the leg to the thorax, followed by the trochanter, femur, tibia, tarsus, and pretarsus, which in the case of this beetle is a claw with its spiked empodium.
Created: 2007

Source Information

Janice Carr
Public Health Image Library