
Image of Niphargus plurispinosus Hudec & Mock 2014

Image of Niphargus plurispinosus Hudec & Mock 2014


Figure 2.Niphargus plurispinosus sp. n.: 1 male, general view; 1a-1b dorso-later thorns; mdb - mandibula and details of mdb-a left incisor and lacina mobilis; mdb-b) two setae between bisserated thorns; mdb-c setae pattern on distal segment of mdb-palp; mdb-d, right incisor and lacina mobilis; mx-1 1st maxilla; mx-2 2nd maxilla; ula upper lip; vela ventral labium; mxp maxilliped: in inner segment os outer segment; ds distal segment of palp; epI-epIII epimeral plate I-III; A-I 1st antenna; A-II antenna; hc head capsula, left lateral view; telson, dorsal view. Not scaled, except of the general view of the male.

Source Information

Igor Hudec, Andrej Mock