
Image of Meadow Squill

Image of Meadow Squill


Slo.: travnika morska ebulica - syn.: Scilla pratensis Waldst.& Kit, non Bergeret - Habitat: moist grassland, flat terrain, open place, full sun, average precipitations 1.600 - 1.800 mm/year, average temperature 8-10 deg C, elevation 450 m (1.450 feet), Dinaric phytogeographical region. - Substratum: soil. - Comment: Scilla litardierei is one of the rarest plants of Slovenia. There exists only a single place where it can be found. It is highly endangered from two reasons; first it is very rare and second also its habitats - moist marshy grassland - are among the most endangered of all. This beautiful lily is protected by the Bern Convention and as such recognized as a plant, which protection is of European importance. It is listed in the second (Nature 2000, protection of habitats) and fourth (the list of strictly protected plants) appendixes of EC Habitats Directive. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species considers it critically endangered. The plant was discovered in Slovenia only in 1977. - Scilla litardierei is a typical Dinaric floral element limited to wet grassy places of Dinaric mountains of Balkan peninsula. The stands growing in Slovenia represent its extreme northwest border of occurrence, while its most southeast boundary is in Albania. - Protection: Protected according to 'Uredba o zavarovanih prosto iveih rastlinskih vrstah' Ur.l. RS, t.46/2004 (Regulation of protection of wild plants, Official Gazette of Republic Slovenia, No.: 46/2004). Enlisted in the Slovene Red List of rare and endangered species, marked by 'R' representing a rare species and in IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Enlisted in Appendix II of Natura 2000 and Appendix IV listing strictly protected plants of Bern Convention. - Ref.: (1) A. Martini et all., Mala Flora Slovenije, Tehnina Zaloba Slovenije (2007) (in Slovene), p 737. (2) P. Skoberne, Zavarovane rastline Slovenije (Protected plants of Slovenia), Mladinska Knjiga (2007), p84. (3) http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/161812/0

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2014 Dr. Amadej Trnkoczy
Dr. Amadej Trnkoczy
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