
Image of Orchid

Image of Orchid


CR: roiasta kokica - Habitat: low, light wood with many bushes and small open patches of stony grassland, Quercus sp, Fraxinus ornus, Carpinus orientalis, Acer monspessulanus, Juniperus sp., Rubus sp, etc. present; almost flat calcareous terrain, partly sunny and dry place, elevation 70 m (230 feet), average precipitations 1.000-1.200 mm/year, average temperature 13-15 deg C, submediterranean phytogeographical region. - Substratum: soil. - Comment: Growing scattered. About 12 plants growing in an area of about 40 x 10 m. - Protected according to 'Uredba o zavarovanih prostoiveih rastlinskih vrstah' Url. RS, t. 46/2004 (Regulation of protection of wild growing plants, Official Gazette of Republic Slovenia, No.:46/2004). Enlisted in the Slovene Red List of rare and endangered species, marked by 'V' representing a vulnerable species. - Ref.: (1) R. Domac, Flora Hrvatske, Prirunikzaodreivanjebilja, kolskaKnjiga, Zgreb, II. izdanje (2002), p 461. (2) H. Baumann, S. Kuenkele, R. Lorenz, OrchideenEuropas, Ulmer (2006), p 244. (3) M. Blamey, C. Grey-Wilson, Wild Flowers of the Mediterranean, A & C Black, London (2005), p 518. (4) http://www.orchidspecies.com/ophscolopax.htm

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2015 Dr. Amadej Trnkoczy
Dr. Amadej Trnkoczy
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