
Image of Zoothamnium arbuscula

Image of Zoothamnium arbuscula


Scale bars indicate 100 µm.

Specimen grown in a Petri dish on the edge of a microscope slide.

An image couple, the first without and the second with marking arrows.

The images show a initial cell for a Zoothamnium tree. In this ciliate species, only special cells, the macrozooids, can separate themselves from the mother tree as swarmers and form new trees.
Macronucleus (arrow), contractile vacuole (arrowhead), contractile stalk (double arrowhead).

Please click on < or > on the image edges or on the dots at the bottom edge of the images to browse through the slides!

Place name: Creek in Oder valley 100 km north east of Berlin (Germany)
Latitude: 53.135032     Longitude: 14.348738

Stereo microscope Olympus SZX16/Planapo 2.0x, camera  Olympus OM-D M5 MKII. DOF images.

© Wolfgang Bettighofer,
images under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA).
For permission to use of (high resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.

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Source Information

Wolfgang Bettighofer
original media file
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