
Portrait of the small caenomorphid ciliate, Ludio parvulus (Penard, 1922). The genus is monotypic. The colorless cell is roughly pyriform. The posterior end terminates in a short conical spinous projection. The pellicle is firm and only slightly deformable. The subequatorial peristome spirals around the body. The peristome is bordered anteriorly by a narrow perizonal ciliary stripe and also by an inconspicuous adoral zone of membranelles. The cytostome is at the posterior end of the peristome. A needle-like spine at least as long as the cell body arises on the right surface and extends posteriorly. A prominent cirrus approximately the same length as this spine trails behind the cell (seen here to viewr's left of long posterior spine). A shorter anterior cirrus is not well seen in this image. The single spherical macronucleus is located eccentrically. The micronucleus is not clearly seen in these images. There is a single posterior contractile vacuole. L. parvulus is sapropelic. L. parvulus lacks the anterior rows of cirri seen in both Caenomorpha and Cirranter. Unlike Ludio, Cirranter lacks spines. Collected from a slow-moving freshwater stream near Boise, Idaho December 2004. DIC.
Included On The Following Pages:
- Life
- Cellular
- Eukaryota
- SAR (Stramenopiles, Alveolates, Rhizaria)
- Alveolata
- Ciliophora
- Intramacronucleata
- Armophorea
- Armophorida
- Caenomorphidae
- Ludio
- Ludio parvulus
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Source Information
- license
- cc-by-nc
- author
- William Bourland
- provider
- micro*scope
- original
- original media file
- visit source
- partner site
- micro*scope
- ID