Amphidinium (am-fee-din-ee-um) glabrum Hoppenrath & Okolodkov 2000. The images show colourless cells in ventral view. The cingulum is near the anterior end of the cell and descending. The epicone is asymmetrical and the apical groove is visible. The nucleus is near the posterior end of the cell.
Included On The Following Pages:
- Life (creatures)
- Cellular (cellular organisms)
- Eukaryota (eukaryotes)
- SAR (Stramenopiles, Alveolates, Rhizaria)
- Alveolata (alveolates)
- Dinophyceae
- Gymnodiniales
- Gymnodiniaceae
- Apicoporus
- Apicoporus glaber
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Source Information
- license
- cc-by-nc
- author
- Mona Hoppenrath and Shauna Murray
- provider
- micro*scope
- original
- original media file
- visit source
- partner site
- micro*scope
- ID