
[0290] Caloptilia semifascia

Image of Caloptilia semifascia (Haworth 1828)


Well I seem to have escaped any of the April fool's shenanigans this year...4 days already into April it really is frightening how quickly the year is going already.Though they say the months go bye faster the older you get, so in comparison to most moth'ers mine must be just trickling by at the moment! Sorry for my stereo-typical moment there!It really is hard to get the younger generation interested in things other than I this and E that (ipad and err something else).Back to mothsPine Beauty was a lovely new moth for the garden, I have been expecting one of these, as about 200ish metres down the bridlepath we have a small conifer plantation.New for year were Streamer (which wouldn't stay still for it's photo-shoot so a pot shot is all I can offer) and the micro Caloptilia semifascia.Apart from that it was business as usual.Catch Report - 03/04/14 - Back Garden Stevenage - 1x 125w MV Robinson TrapMacro Moths2x Pine Beauty [NFG] 1x Streamer [NFY]3x Brindled Pug3x Double-striped Pug9x Hebrew Character14x Common Quaker 4x Small Quaker6x Clouded Drab3x Chestnut1x Early Grey1x Early Thorn1x Twin-spotted QuakerMicro Moths1x Caloptilia semifascia [NFY]1x Emmelina monodactyla

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Ben Sale
Ben Sale
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