
[0682] Depressaria chaerophylli

Image of Depressaria chaerophylli Zeller 1839


A mild wet and breezy night yields a Beauty!Mild, with a few showers around and a bit cool at nights has been the theme of late, but last night we had plenty of cloud cover again like the previous night (when I only managed 3 Tortricodes alternella's)Last night though was quite productive for my small garden.Both Common Quaker (2) and Hofmannophila pseudospretella (1) were new for the year but the star of the catch and the only moth that wasn't in the trap was a stunning Oak Beauty, a regular in small numbers to the garden trap.Still the egg boxes were comletely soaked and the trap inside was flooded, so we had had a generous portion of rain during the night.Drying out time for the trays!Edit! The suspected Hofmannophila pseudospretella has turned out to be a Depressaria species, which I think is daucella? Any ideas welcome.Catch Report - 23/02/14 - Back Garden Stevenage - 1x 125w MV Robinson TrapMacro MothsNone recorded!Micro Moths3x Tortricodes alternella Catch Report - 24/02/14 - Back Garden Stevenage - 1x 125w MV Robinson TrapMacro Moths2x Common Quaker [NFY]1x Oak Beauty [NFY]1x March Moth6x ChestnutMicro Moths1x Depressaria daucella?[NFG]1x Emmelina monodactyla

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Ben Sale
Ben Sale
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