
Glaucidium perlatum, twee roep te Hartbeesfontein, 2022-06-25 15h35, a


Description: Afrikaans: Roepe van Witkoluile (Glaucidium perlatum) in digte gemengde boomveld net buite Dinokeng-wildtuin in oostelike Gauteng. Een sessie van die roep is opgeneem wat bestaan uit 'n meer as minuut lange reeks afgemete fluite. Die fluite wissel in afleweringspoed en volume, en verander halfpad deur. Die eerste reeks bestaan uit sowat 79 vinnige fluite wat styg in volume, gevolg deur 'n onderbreking en 29 dalende fluite. Dit word moontik gelewer deur 'n territoriale mannetjie, terwyl die wyfie meer op die agtergrond blyk te bly. English: Calls of Pearl-spotted owlets (Glaucidium perlatum) in dense mixed woodland (i.e. Acacia and broadleaved trees) on a slightly undulating landscape at Hartbeesfontein, just outside Dinokeng Game Reserve, eastern Gauteng, South Africa. A male of a local pair apparently, as a second bird may be heard half way through. The male may be more defensive of his territory, while the female is presumed to stay in, and call from the background. The whole calling session is recorded, which includes whistles of two types, separated about half way through by a short pause. The first type consists of 79 measured notes in this case (2.5 per second) with a somewhat raspy and then fluty quality, delivered rapidly, and rising in volume from barely to clearly audible. These are followed by measured descending whistles, 29 in this case (4 every 3 seconds), which decrease in volume before stopping abruptly. Some lower frequency background noise was removed, and a recording artifact is noticeable at the close of each descending whistle. Date: 25 June 2022. Source: Own work. Author: JMK. Object location25° 27′ 22.5″ S, 28° 31′ 27.1″ E View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMap-25.456250; 28.524194.

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