
Human blood film with babesia

Image of Babesiidae


Description: English: Other hemoprotozoan parasites such as these Babesia sp. resemble Plasmodium falciparum organisms. Though developmentally the Babesia spp. organisms resemble Plasmodium falciparum, these parasites present several distinguishing features: they vary more in shape and in size; and they do not produce pigment. Deutsch: Babesien innerhalb von Erythrozyten in einem Blutausstrich. Babesien im Blutausstrich. Die Zellkerne der Erreger stellen sich in der Giemsa-Färbung als leuchtend rote Flecken auf den roten Blutkörperchen dar. Giemsa-Färbung eines Blutausstrichs mit Babesien. Français : Vue au microscope de Babesia à l'intérieur des globules rouges. Polski: pierwotniaki z rodzaju Babesia. 日本語: ギムザ染色を施した血液塗抹標本.赤血球内にBabesia spp.が認められる。. Italiano: Immagine al microscopio ottico d'uno striscio di sangue positivo per Babesia spp. Español: Babesia spp. Lietuvių: Pirmuonis Babesia eritrocituose. Galego: Babesia spp. Date: 1979. Source: : This media comes from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Public Health Image Library (PHIL), with identification number #5943. Note: Not all PHIL images are public domain; be sure to check copyright status and credit authors and content providers. العربية | Deutsch | English | македонски | slovenščina | +/−. Author: Photo Credit: Content Providers(s): CDC/ Steven Glenn; Laboratory & Consultation Division. Permission(Reusing this file): PD-USGov-HHS-CDC English: None - This image is in the public domain and thus free of any copyright restrictions. As a matter of courtesy we request that the content provider be credited and notified in any public or private usage of this image. Other versions: Original.

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