
Joseph Dalton Hooker - Flora Antarctica - vol. 3 pt. 2 plate 127 (1860)

Image of Dipodium squamatum


Description: vol. 3 pt. 2 plate 127 of Hooker's Flora Antarctica. Date: 1860. Source: https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/90344#page/473/mode/1up. Author: Joseph Dalton Hooker (1817–1911) . . Alternative names: Joseph Dalton Hooker; Hook.f.; Hook.f; Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker; J D Hooker; J.D.Hooker; J D Hook; J.D.Hook.; J D. Hooker; Joseph Hooker; Hook f; J. D. Hooker; Hook. f.; Hooker, Joseph Dalton; Joseph D. Hooker; J.D. Hooker; Джозеф Гукер; Гукер Джозеф; Гукер Джозеф Дальтон; Гукер Д.; Гукер, Джозеф; Гукер Д. Д.; Джозеф Дальтон Гукер; Гукер Джозеф Долтон; Гукер, Джозеф Дальтон; Джозеф Долтон Гукер; హుకర్; Sir Joseph Hooker. Description: British botanist, explorer, pteridologist, bryologist, mycologist and surgeonBritish botanist. Date of birth/death: 30 June 1817 10 December 1911 . Location of birth/death: Halesworth Sunningdale. Authority control: : Q157501 VIAF: 17306215 ISNI: 0000 0001 1970 6167 ULAN: 500004899 LCCN: n86843993 NAID: 10571856 NLA: 35205044 Botanist: Hook.f. Open Library: OL5993834A Oxford Dict.: 33970 GND: 118774891 SUDOC: 060861126 BNF: 12391191g NDL: 00443715 BIBSYS: 2099878 NKC: uk2007312092 BNE: XX1312394 CiNii: DA00449008 RKD: 39604 NLI: 000064700 Koninklijke: 070560374 WorldCat. creator QS:P170,Q157501. Permission(Reusing this file): : This file comes from the Biodiversity Heritage Library. This tag does not indicate the copyright status of the attached work. A normal copyright tag is still required. See Commons:Licensing. Deutsch | English | español | français | italiano | 日本語 | македонски | Nederlands | polski | +/−.

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