
Nitella translucens Chara vulgaris 1833 varley

Image of common stonewort


Description: English: Watercolour micrograph of Chara vulgaris. Date: 1833. Source: https://whyy.org/segments/cornelius-varley-and-his-fantastical-patent-graphic-telescope-machine-4/. Author: Cornelius Varley (1781–1873) . Description: British painter, optical instrument maker, inventor and micrographer. Date of birth/death: 21 November 1781 2 October 1873 . Location of birth/death: Mare Street Stoke Newington. Authority control: : Q5171468 VIAF: 65227247 ISNI: 0000 0000 6688 5041 ULAN: 500004766 LCCN: n77002027 Open Library: OL1820072A Oxford Dict.: 28113 GND: 135632056 RKD: 79460 WorldCat. creator QS:P170,Q5171468.

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