
1923. Group of beetle-killed trees waiting for treating crew. Note cards in envelopes tacked to trees by spotters; these are brought in by the spotters as a record of their work. SONC western pine beetle control project. (38221590541)

Image of Dendroctonus brevicomis Le Conte 1876


Description: Group of beetle-killed trees waiting for treating crew. Note cards in envelopes tacked to trees by spotters; these are brought in by the spotters as a record of their work. Southern Oregon Northern California (SONC) western pine beetle control project. Photo by: F.P. Keen Date: June 1, 1923 Credit: USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Region, State and Private Forestry, Forest Health Protection. Collection: Bureau of Entomology and F.P. Keen Collections; La Grande, Oregon. Image: BUR-3248 and FPK-34 To learn more about this photo collection see: Wickman, B.E., Torgersen, T.R. and Furniss, M.M. 2002. Photographic images and history of forest insect investigations on the Pacific Slope, 1903-1953. Part 2. Oregon and Washington. American Entomologist, 48(3), p. 178-185. For additional historical forest entomology photos, stories, and resources see the Western Forest Insect Work Conference site: wfiwc.org/content/history-and-resources Image provided by USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Region, State and Private Forestry, Forest Health Protection: www.fs.usda.gov/main/r6/forest-grasslandhealth Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse. : This image or file is a work of a United States Department of Agriculture employee, taken or made as part of that person's official duties. As a work of the U.S. federal government, the image is in the public domain. English | español | 日本語 | македонски | Nederlands | русский | slovenščina | українська | +/− :. Date: 1 June 1923, 11:11. Source: 1923. Group of beetle-killed trees waiting for treating crew. Note cards in envelopes tacked to trees by spotters; these are brought in by the spotters as a record of their work. SONC western pine beetle control project.. Author: R6, State & Private Forestry, Forest Health Protection.

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