
Diplectanum aequans

Image of Microcotyle


Description: English: PLATE VI. Dichelestium sturionis, Herm. Fig. 1. Female, dorsal view ×4·6 Fig. 2. Male, dorsal view ×4·6 Fig. 3. Foot of first pair, female ×46 Fig. 4. Foot of second pair, female ×46 Fig. 5. Foot of second pair, male ×46 Fig. 6. Foot of fourth pair, male ×24 Chondracanthus depressus, sp. n. Diam. Fig. 7. Female, dorsal view ×12 Fig. 8. Posterior appendages of same enlarged Fig. 9. Antennule ×60 Fig. 10. Mandible. ×260 Fig. 11. First maxilliped ×260 Fig. 12. Foot of first pair ×55 Fig. 13. Foot of second pair ×55 Chondracanthus depressus, var. oblongus. Fig. 14. Female, dorsal view ×12 Fig. 15. Antennule ×60 Fig. 16. Foot of first pair ×55 Fig- 17. Foot of second pair ×55 Lerneœ lusci, Bassett-Smith. Fig. 18. Gadus lucus with parasite in situ reduced Trematoda. Fig. 19. Phyllocotyle gurnardi, v. Ben. and Hesse ×45 Fig. 20. Extremity of peduncle of the same ×260 Fig. 21. Microcotyle donavani, v. Ben. and Hesse ×27 Fig. 22. The same — one of the posterior suckers ×390 Fig. 23. Microcotyle labracis, v. Ben. and Hesse ×18 Fig. 24. Diplectanum œquans, Diesing ×45. Date: 1904. Source: https://archive.org/stream/notesonsomerarei00scot/notesonsomerarei00scot#page/n79/mode/1up page 80 of "Notes on some rare and interesting marine crustacea" (1904). Author: Scott, Thomas.

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