A Juvenile Drongo with a catch - A Blister Beetle (I think) (50251417993)

Description: There were quite a large number of blister beetles on the stalks, flowers on the lake bank. And as expected, there were several predators too, the Drongoes and the Bee Eaters. This Drongo had it easy, the Beetle was resting on a stalk right under the branch where he was perched! Thanks in advance for your views / feedback. Much appreciated. Date: 21 August 2020, 16:41. Source: A Juvenile Drongo with a catch - A Blister Beetle (I think). Author: Hari K Patibanda.
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- Neognathae
- Neoaves
- landbirds
- Passeriformes (perching birds)
- Oscines
- core Corvoidea
- Dicruridae (drongos)
- Dicrurus
- Dicrurus macrocercus (Black Drongo)
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Source Information
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- cc-by-3.0
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- Hari K Patibanda|sourceurl=https://flickr.com/photos/34176693@N06/50251417993%7Carchive=%7Creviewdate=2020-09-02 21:21:37|reviewlicense=cc-by-2.0|reviewer=FlickreviewR 2
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