
Heterotis niloticus

Image of African arowana


Description: English: African arowana, Heterotis niloticus Deutsch: Afrikanischer Knochenzüngler (Heterotis niloticus). Date: 1909. Source: http://mormyrids.lifedesks.org/files/mormyrids/Boulenger1909_MormyridaePart4.pdf. Author: George Albert Boulenger (1858–1937) . . Description: British botanist. Date of birth/death: 19 October 1858: 23 November 1937. Location of birth/death: Brussels: France. Authority control: : Q435731 VIAF: 37284543 ISNI: 0000 0001 0888 841X LCCN: n88615834 NLA: 35670415 Botanist: Boulenger WorldCat.

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