
Lovely Times of Fairy Rufous Treepie on Tree

Image of Rufous Treepie


Description: English: Rufous Treepie is the largest and by far the most common resident Treepie found in I ndia. And it’s found only in Indo Malayan ecozone. These Treepies look a lot like Magpies in shape and belong to Crow family in general. While these are generally found in open wooded forests, one can easily spot one after first glance by their long tail, contrasting color and high metallic calls. Rufous Treepies like other arboreal birds such as Malkohas are very good climbers and can be seen going out of site by quickly climbing through the branches. These were observed to feed on insects, fruits and nuts under normal circumstances. For other birds found in nearby places. It is slightly smaller than the European Magpie (Pica pica) and has somewhat shorter, more rounded wings and a proportionately longer tail. The bill is shorter and thicker too, and slightly down curved, and the legs are shorter. The head, neck and breast are a deep slate grey color, sometimes slightly brownish. The under parts and lower back are a warm tawny brown to orange brown in color with white wing coverts and black primaries ( longest wing feathers). The tail is a light bluish grey with a thick black band on the tip. The bill, legs and feet are black Meaning of Scientific Name: The scientific name of this species describes its behavior and habitat in general with both Latin and Greek used to name it. Dendrocitta is Greek and has two components: Dendron meaning tree and kitta means Magpie. Vagabunda is latin for wandering. Thus, the name implies that this species is a “tree wandering magpie” 1.Long silver tail with black tip 2. Cinnamon brown colored upper body 3. White-grey band on black wings 4. Dark grey colored head and throat 5. Red eyes with black iris Diet / Feeding: This is a typically arboreal species feeding almost completely in trees on fruits, invertebrates, small reptiles and the eggs and young of birds; it has also been known to take flesh from recently killed carcasses. It is extremely agile while searching for food, clinging and clambering through the branches and will sometimes travel in small mixed hunting parties with unrelated species such as babblers and drongos. Date: 10 January 2016, 21:43:33. Source: Own work. Author: Shiv's fotografia.

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Shiv's fotografia
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