Australian Coot (Fulica atra australis) (28250650110)

Description: The Australian coot is a smart, dark-grey, duck-like waterbird, instantly recognisable from its bright white bill and frontal shield. Coots are related to gallinules – the branch of the rail family that includes pukeko and takahe. Out of the water, a coot’s stance is more like a small pukeko than a duck. But instead of the pukeko’s long thin toes, coots have broad fleshy lobes on their short toes, used to give propulsion when swimming. The Australian coot is a recent arrival in New Zealand, first recorded breeding here in 1958. Their colonisation partially fills the niche left vacant by the extinction of the New Zealand coot, a bird 3 x the size (1.8 kg) that was widespread before the arrival of Maori. Date: 25 July 2016, 12:34. Source: The Australian coot. (Fulica prisca). Author: Bernard Spragg. NZ from Christchurch, New Zealand. Camera location43° 27′ 52.56″ S, 172° 36′ 27.73″ E View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMap-43.464600; 172.607703.
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- Aves (birds)
- Ornithurae
- Neornithes
- Neognathae
- Neoaves
- Gruiformes (cranes and relatives)
- Rallidae (rails)
- Fulica
- Fulica atra (Common Coot)
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