Macaca sylvanus Morocco 2

Description: Macaca sylvanus. Date: August 2006. Source: Own work. Author: Pawel Ryszawa. Permission (Reusing this file): GFDL ver. 1.2 or CC-by-sa ver. 2.5, 2.0, and 1.0. Summary[edit] Deutsch: Eine de:Berberaffe vom Zypressenwald in Marokko English: en:Barbary Macaque from cypress grove in Morocco Français : fr:Magot Español: es:Macaca sylvanus Suomi: fi:Magotti Italiano: it:Macaca sylvanus Lietuvių: lt:Magotas Čeština: cs:Magot bezocasý Русский: ru:Магот Svenska: sv:Berberapa Polski: pl:Magot spotkany w gaju cyprysowym w Maroku Licensing[edit] : This photography was made by Pawel Ryszawa Please credit this: Pawel Ryszawa Any comments to me would be appreciated. I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following licenses: : Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled GNU Free Documentation License. Free Documentation Licensetruetrue. : This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.:.. This licensing tag was added to this file as part of the GFDL licensing update. Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0truetrue. : This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic, 2.0 Generic and 1.0 Generic license.:. CC BY-SA 2.5-2.0-1.0 Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5-2.0-1.0 truetrue. You may select the license of your choice.
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- Cercopithecoidea
- Cercopithecidae (Old World monkeys)
- Cercopithecinae (Cercopithecines)
- Papionini (Baboons, Macaques, and Mangabeys)
- Macaca (macaques)
- Macaca sylvanus (Barbary Ape)
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Source Information
- license
- cc-by-sa-3.0
- copyright
- Pawel Ryszawa
- creator
- Pawel Ryszawa
- original
- original media file
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- Wikimedia Commons
- ID