Specimens of two fetal Baiji Dolphin, Museum of Hydrobiological Sciences, Wuhan Institute of Hydrobiology (upper view)

Description: English: These are two specimens of fetal Baiji Dolphin (Lipotes vexillifer), which are exhibited in the Museum of Hydrobiological Sciences, Wuhan Institute of Hydrobiology of Chinese Academy of Sciences. They are taken from two female dolphins after dissection. Both pregnant dolphins, with another three (2 female and a male, 5 in total) that consisted a whole family, are believed to be killed during a waterway clearing bombard on the Yangtze River in January 1974, which took place in then Honghu County (now Honghu City), Hubei Province. In this image, two fetal dolphins are clearly shown, which is a bigger female dolphin that is 73 centimetres long and weighs 4.8 kilograms, and a smaller male dolphin that is 54.5 centimetres long and weighs 2.5 kilograms, respectively. More info: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_58e37f800102vahz.html 中文:这是武汉中国科学院水生生物研究所水生生物博物馆中收藏的两具白鱀豚胎儿标本。这两具标本分别取自2头已被解剖的雌性白鱀豚,这两头白鱀豚应该均来自于1974年1月,航道管理部门在湖北省洪湖县(今洪湖市)燕窝江段对江心淤滩用炸药进行清障作业时炸死的5头白鱀豚。这5头白鱀豚由4只雌豚和1只雄豚构成,为一个完整的家庭。在这张照片中,两具白鱀豚胎儿标本清晰可见,其中较大的为雌胎儿,体长73厘米,体重4.8公斤;较小的为雄胎儿,体长54.5厘米、体重2.5公斤。 参见:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_58e37f800102vahz.html. Date: 4 August 2017, 10:23:56. Source: Own work. Author: Calliston3.
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- Lipotidae
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- Lipotes vexillifer (Baiji)
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- Calliston3
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- Calliston3
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