
Hydrocotyle tripartita leaf6 DC (15247346609)

Image of Australian hydrocotyle


Description: Native, warm-season, perennial, low-growing (2-10 cm tall) herb that spreads by runners. Leaves (mostly 4-10 mm wide) are somewhat glossy, sparsely hairy, usually deeply divided into 3 segments; often divided again and often toothed. Flowerheads are stalked ball-like clusters of a few greenish-yellow flowers held below the level of the leaves. Flowering is from spring to early autumn. Found in moist and/or shady locations, such as stream banks, alluvial flats, shaded lawns and gully lines. Native biodiversity. Abundance in pastures can indicate overgrazing or a disturbance (often flooding) which has reduced competition. It is more common in shaded areas, as most of the summer growing grasses are poorly adapted to shade and hence competition is reduced. Of little importance to livestock grazing as it: is a very minor component of most grazed pastures; grows very close to the ground; and produces little bulk. Date: 3 October 2014, 10:38. Source: Hydrocotyle tripartita leaf6 DC. Author: Harry Rose from South West Rocks, Australia.

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Harry Rose
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